Copies all the relevant folders from one specific student repository folder to a base project folder and resets the app so that the students elaboration can be tested.
What's all the bells and whistles this project can perform?
- Resets the project folder to HEAD in git
- Pulls latest code from student repository
- Copies app, database, resources and other relevant folders
- Regenerates autoload files
- Drop database tables and performs migration and seed
- Clears compiled views
Make sure the base repository of the casustoets project is correctly set up with Laravel Sail.
Clone this repo anywhere on your harddrive
Create a .env file in the same path. You can use the .env.example file. Chage settings to the correct ones.
Do not forget to chmod the .sh files
> chmod +x ./*.sh
Open a cmd in the folder where ctc.bat is located, and type:
> ctc student-repo-folder-name
Open the terminal in the folder where is located, and type:
> ./ -lf student-repo-folder-name
- Daan de Waard - Initial work - dwaard
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.