Releases: HZ-HBO-ICT/Laravel-CoreUI
Laravel 8 + CoreUI 3 update
Changelog is quite big, so it's probably easier to just list the two corresponding (and well documented) pull requests:
Laravel 8 update: #42
CoreUI 3 update: #44
Many thanks to @Daniel-I-Am for making this possible
- Updated to CoreUI 2.1.16
- Added alt text to license badge in README to improve accessibility (@BackEndTea #38 )
Update FontAwesome to 5.11.2
Removed the necessity for using Yarn while working in this project.
Update to ensure compatibility with Laravel 6 and higher.
Please note that we've removed compatibility with any version lower than Laravel 6.0.
You can use older, unsupported versions (^2.0.0
) of this package to be compatible with Laravel 5.8
We've also tried to adhere to the structuring of the new laravel/ui package to make it as easy as possible to extend this package with the knowledge you already have. The only differences are in the file paths, so please note them.