Metashape Script to generate digital elevation models from UAV images
- Automatic mission detection from directory structure, import based on record time and location
- Every record date gets imported as seperate chunk
- Fully automatic detection of ground control points (=GCP) with opencv for georeferencing
- Marker pinning based on found ground control points
- image processing and export of elevation model as TIFF
- Creates a export folder containing all elevation models, logfile and processing statistic
IMPORTANT This script requires some python modules installed maually in metashape.
Run following commands on the machine where Agisoft Metashape is installed:
Go in the directory where Metashape is installed
cd C:\Program Files\Agisoft\Metashape Pro\python
Now call python to install the required librarys
python.exe -m pip install cv2
python.exe -m pip install pandas
python.exe -m pip install rasterio
Created by: Hannes Bosch 2023 University of Hohenheim