This package contains all helpful methods to help on texts, arrays, objects and number.
To install this package, require it via the composer.
composer require hgh/helpers
The text helper is a helper that changes on texts.
Method | Method Type | Description | Sample |
toSnakeCase | static | This method will convert any text to snake case. | camelCase to camel_case |
snakeToCamel | static | This method will convert any text from snake case to camel case. | snake_case to camelCase |
snakeToPascal | static | This method will convert any text from snake case to pascal case. | snake_case to PascalCase |
className | static | Will extract the class name from a namespace | \HGh\Test\ClassName to ClassName |
remove | static | Search a text in another text and remove it | This is a test , search for test, result This is a |
removeSpaces | static | Remove spaces from a sting | This is a test , result Thisisatest |
replace | static | Search a text in another text and replace it | This is a test , replace test with text , result This is a text |
utf8 | static | Convert a text to utf8 | - |
removeNonUtf8 | static | Remove non UTF8 characters from a string | - |
removeNonAlphanumeric | static | Remove all nonAlphanumeric characters from a string | $%asdds565 to asdds565 |
lowercase | static | Convert a string to lowe case | AbsasdADK to absasdadk |
uppercase | static | Convert a string to upper case | AbsasdADK to ABSASDADK |
price | static | Convert a number to two decimal after point | 2 to 2.00 |
The text helper is a helper that changes on arrays.
Method | Method Type | Description | Sample |
snakeIndexes | static | Make all indexes of array snake_case. It can be recursive or not. | ["camelCase" => true] to ["camel_case" => true] |
changeIndex | static | Change an index to another one. | ["oldIndex" => true] to ["newIndex" => true] |
The text helper is a helper that changes on objects.
Method | Method Type | Description | Sample |
snakeKeys | static | Make all keys of object snake_case. It can be recursive or not. | $stdClass->camelCase = true; to $stdClass->camel_case = true |
changeKey | static | Change a key to another one. | $stdClass->old_key = true; to $stdClass->new_key = true |