[D]DoS Notifications sent to your Discord Server from your Dedicated Server, VPS or Discord Bot.
This script sends a notification to discord using a webhook when a DDos attack is detected on your Dedicated Server or VPS server. It was written in Shell Script so it will work with linux execution environments.
Head over to Discord and create a new webhook in a server and channel of your choice.
Download the discordalerts.sh and discord.service. You can edit any lines in discordalerts.sh such as the Alert message, Location or host to your liking then save your changes.
Use an FTP client to place discordalerts.sh into /root and place discord.service into /etc/systemd/system.
Move discord.service to Systemd run
mv /root/discord.service /etc/systemd/system/discord.service
Create a "dumps" folder for PCAPS run
mkdir /root/dumps
apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start discord
systemctl enable discord
service discord start && service discord status
root@chivpn1:~# service discord start && service discord status
● discord.service - Traffic Alert System
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/discord.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-08-19 20:42:36 CDT; 59min ago
Main PID: 149923 (bash)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 2304)
Memory: 3.5M
CGroup: /system.slice/discord.service
├─149923 /bin/bash discord.sh
└─150941 sleep 300
Aug 19 21:33:42 chivpn1 bash[149923]: [21B blob data]
Aug 19 21:33:42 chivpn1 bash[150901]: Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be danger>
Aug 19 21:33:42 chivpn1 bash[150901]: Capturing on 'eth0'
Aug 19 21:34:00 chivpn1 bash[150901]: 300 packets captured
Aug 19 21:34:00 chivpn1 bash[149923]: Fri 19 Aug 2022 09:34:00 PM CDT Detecting Attack Packets.
Aug 19 21:39:00 chivpn1 bash[149923]: Attack Detected Monitoring Incoming Traffic
Aug 19 21:39:00 chivpn1 bash[150939]: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time>
Aug 19 21:39:00 chivpn1 bash[150939]: Dload Upload Total Spen>
Aug 19 21:39:00 chivpn1 bash[150939]: [158B blob data]
Aug 19 21:39:00 chivpn1 bash[149923]: Paused for.
Discord GunGameOG#9082
Discord Server
Galaxy Gate
- DDoS Protection
- Web Hosting
- Dedicated Servers
- Virtual Servers
- Domains
-- Beta update --
-------- Python Version --------