I am a QA Manager at Veeam Software company. I live in Prague. Unfortunately, most of my code cannot be published, so I am not a frequent guest here.
- 🔭 I’m working on Veeam Backup for [Nutanix AHV/AWS/Azure/GCP] at Veeam Software.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to build automated documentation systems
- 🤔 My dream is to build an opensource internal search system since there is no universal one at the market.
- Python: used for automated documentation on an internal MediaWiki
- PowerShell: lots of sysadmin tasks and testing of internal PowerShell APIs. Especially with reflection to utilize C# libraries
- C#: good reading skills, basic coding. Mostly doing "Extra" code-review for the company products.
- C & C++: minimal knowledge, used to write autotests for internal backup APIs
- Java: college and high school knowledge
- LinkedIn: https://cz.linkedin.com/in/nikolay-kochkin-35319aa0
- Telegram channel (Ru): https://t.me/pleaserun
- Telegram: https://t.me/ulfberht