Author: Conor Dempsey & Tabby Duenger
How To Use • Roadmap • Contribute • Contact
To clone and run you'll need Git and poetry installed.
# Clone this repository (you'll need your GlA github login - your username and a personal access token)
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd highstreets
# Install dependencies and create the environment for the project
$ poetry install
# Activate the virtual environment
$ poetry shell
A good place to start is notebooks/exploratory which contains Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate the analyses that have been done so far. Note: if you are editing the package files and you want these changes to be automatically registered in any Jupyter notebooks then put following command at the top of your notebook:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
There are currently two data files needed to run these analyses. The paths to these files should be specified in a .env file in the project's root directory and can be obtained from the shared drives (contact Conor for more info).
- yoy_highstreets.csv
- highstreet_profiles_updated.xlsx
Contact Conor Dempsey to be added to the repo as a contributor.
If you are contributing to the repo please use pre-commit using the pre-commit-config.yaml included here.
To install pre-commit run:
pip install pre-commit
Then to set up the git hooks specified in the pre-commit-config.yaml file navigate to the repo and run:
pre-commit install
Now when you commit code various linters and other pre-commit checks will be run against your staged changes. All of these tests have to pass sucessfully before the commit will be accepted.
- Sense check the lack of correlation between mean/slope and size of highstreet - compare to data Paul shared.
- Try classification approaches where the labels are mean/slope groups.
- Run MoE models - using a hand-picked gating structure and then using a full MoE setup. Start with mixture of linear models.
- Depending on linear MoE results try other more nonlinear approaches - a small NN maybe?
- Look at other data that might be included if slope/mean grouping seems difficult to predict. O2 footfall data for example.
- Look at models that are less ad-hoc, in the sense that the fit parameters are not treated as a separate set of parameters to be fit and then treated as regression targets.
- Quantify/visualise/describe relationship between 2020 and 2021 parameters
- Visualise change of parameters from 2020 to 2021. Cluster highstreets based on the direction and magnitude of this change?
- Compare the results of our clustering with Amanda's, at a granular level, to see if the results are reasonably well aligned.
- Add pipeline to produce yoy data from raw data
- Make ordered profile plots for 2020, 2021, full period, sorted by mean and fit slope
- Add scripts to produce figures of all HSs w fits
- Compare results of different clustering approaches (k-means on full time series, k-means on fit parameters, k-means with DTW, hierarchical clustering)
- Sample from hierarchical regression models to see what features, if any, can predict differences in recovery profile.
- Consider different methods for dealing with missing data
A very useful primer on Bayesian hierarchical linear regressions can be found here.
Conor Dempsey - [email protected]