small unserious project to practice go, intended to be backend for a frontend 'library' website.
Methods: GET
gets all books
example: may return [{"isbn":"1","title":"Brave New World","author":"Aldous Huxley"},{"isbn":"2","title":"Das Kapital Volume One","author":"Karl Marx"},{"isbn":"3","title":"If This Is A Man","author":"Primo Levi"},{"isbn":"3","title":"Sexus","author":"Henry Miller"}]
docker build -t community-library<tag> .
NOTE: if on macOS with newer architecture you may need to explicitely set platform:
--platform linux/amd64
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 community-library:<tag>
#for GCR
# docker build --build-arg version="$version" -t "$tag" .
# docker push "$tag"