A simple lexer and parser that can compute simple mathematical operations using the most basic operators +, -, *, /
and can correctly handle parentheses ()
and floating point operations (decimal numbers). It can NOT currently handle negative numbers or unary operations.
It is implemented as a Drupal 8 service module and provides a text field formatter.
The formatter currently displays errors inline.
- Drupal 8
Download, install and enable as you normally install a Drupal 8 module hosted on github.
cd modules/contrib
git clone [email protected]:GiorgosK/simple_lexer_parser.git
drush en simple_lexer_parser
After enabling the module create a text field
in your content type and choose Simple lexer parser formatter
as a formatter at admin/structure/types/manage/CONTENT_TYPE/display
The formatter will display both the expression and the result (or error message)
(1 + 2) * 4 = 12
The result will be revealed on hover with a delayed css animation
Run test cases for this module using phpunit
(tested with phpunit 6.5)
cd web
../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core/phpunit.xml.dist modules/contrib/simple_lexer_parser/tests/src/Calculator/CalculatorTest.php
You should get 10 tests and 10 assertions
if phpnunit
is not in the bin folder try with ../vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit