Releases: Ginger-Automation/Ginger
Ginger v2024.5 Beta.1
What's Changed
- Master branch update post Releases/official release 2024.5 by @Maheshkale447 in #3954
- Code Cleanup by @Maheshkale447 in #3956
- Bump System.IO.Packaging from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 in /Ginger/GingerCore by @dependabot in #3957
- Open Solution From Command Line Support by @GokulBothe99 in #3958
- In API Content Type, UTF-8 charset was implicitly being added with no… by @rathimayur in #3966
- Timeout and Attachment related headers were not getting set in API Model by @rathimayur in #3960
- fix vrt artifact issue by @sudarshan0212 in #3965
- GingerOps updated EndPoint of APIs by @AmanPrasad43 in #3964
- Updated docker image to use Ubuntu and fixed related issues by @Maheshkale447 in #3968
- Added a way to add Category for all missing categories in Elements gr… by @MeniKadosh1 in #3959
- Ginger ATS Removed by @AmanPrasad43 in #3963
- Updated AzureDevOps DLL to ignore certificate check by @Maheshkale447 in #3970
- Dynamic execution for browser by @GokulBothe99 in #3969
- cleanup and error handler activity by @AmanPrasad43 in #3975
- Shared repository Variable duplicate fix, Re run Failed fix and Edge … by @prashelke in #3976
- Restore Original Scroll Position After Full Page Screenshot by @kharithomas in #3967
- Add Ability to Choose Page Scroll Alignment by @kharithomas in #3962
- Refactor GitHub Actions workflow for CD by @NadeemJazmawe in #3974
- Remove unused Azure Pipelines configuration files by @NadeemJazmawe in #3973
- ALM - Project Migration by @AmanPrasad43 in #3972
- Feature - Import katalon object repository by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3971
- Enhancement - Execution Session by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3978
- Non UI Actions Migration from GingerCore to GingerCoreNet by @AmanPrasad43 in #3979
- Beta branch update before 2024.5 Beta 1 by @Maheshkale447 in #3980
- Bug fix/run set actions visible by @AmanPrasad43 in #3981
- BugFix - 43068, 43071, 43072, 43075, 44051 - Katalon Import Bugs by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3982
- RQM Changes for Dynamic Field Mapping by @prashelke in #3984
- Space was not supporting by @GokulBothe99 in #3983
- AzureDevOps Defect Update and Web Client Screenshot folder fix by @AmanPrasad43 in #3985
- D44105_D44104_D44103 RQM BugFix related to dynamic filed mapping by @prashelke in #3987
- D44106_Ocatne In Run set level user Pop up Removed by @prashelke in #3988
- Handled VRT version mismatch issue by @Maheshkale447 in #3989
- Error Handler Action View and by @AmanPrasad43 in #3990
- Enhancement - Katalon Object Repository Import Wizard Has Target Application As Mandatory by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3991
- Handled Exception while saving item by @GokulBothe99 in #3992
- Handled report Generation issue from Report generation menu. by @Maheshkale447 in #3994
- Bug fix/Git solution support Deeplink by @GokulBothe99 in #3995
- Account Report CleanUp Activity fix by @AmanPrasad43 in #3996
- RQM fixes for custom Attributes by @prashelke in #3997
- update RQM DLL by @prashelke in #4000
Full Changelog: v2024.4-Official...v2024.5-Beta.1
Ginger v2024.4 Official
🏢Enterprise Feature
What’s New?
Accessibility Rules Customization- Enable\disable certain accessibility rules that need to be ignored during execution.
Playwright Driver Enhancements- Now with upgraded Playwright driver, below things can be achieved.
- Inspect and add element using Live spy and Windows explorer with Playwright browser.
- Self-healing, which was supported for selenium driver, now also supports playwright driver.
- Visual testing and Accessibility testing actions also extended to support playwright driver.
Integration with GingerOps🏢- Import environment from GingerOps along with application and their parameters to reuse it in Ginger Flow.
Mobile Automation enhancements-
- Enhanced Mobile automation controls- Gain more control over short and long press actions along customization options.
- Landscape mode added for Tablet view.
- Open and close applications with their name.
- Integration with Kobiton-connect with Kobiton device lab with upgraded Appium client version (5.1.0)
Other enhancement
- New option to get Account report link in Email Execution summary report.
- Pagination added on RunSet Execution history page for reports loading from remote.
- Popup added on HTML report to read the error details precisely.
- Added description column in Output values grid to specify friendly description to output parameters.
What’s Changed?
- Playwright Web agent configuration page is redesigned to group configuration in various categories and by browser type.
- Load Account report directly from RunSet.
- UI Element action operations extended to support Playwright driver.
- Click operation now supports all types of HTML elements for Web platforms.
What’s Fixed?
Over 80+ Bugs were fixed.
Ginger v2024.4 Beta.1
What's Changed
- Refactored the classed ActUIElement and ActBrowserElement by @Maheshkale447 in #3822
- master update post Ginger 2024.3 Official Release by @Maheshkale447 in #3848
- Added Auto Capture Screenshot on Failure option on action level. by @Maheshkale447 in #3853
- Feature/39265 Execution History Pagination Feature by @GokulBothe99 in #3852
- Accessibility configuration Added for Exclude Rule from analysis by @prashelke in #3851
- Feature/39585 Account report link email operation by @GokulBothe99 in #3854
- CLI execution Logging Source Application and User by @GokulBothe99 in #3858
- Support Click Event for UI Element by @GokulBothe99 in #3859
- Enhancement - Playwright Window Explorer And Visual Testing Action Support by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3850
- Updated Selenium to 4.23.0 and Azure Identity to latest by @Maheshkale447 in #3860
- dev time tracker when user is idle for more than 5 mins by @AmanPrasad43 in #3861
- Email Operation Attached runset report by @GokulBothe99 in #3863
- BugFix in Java Agent Action - buffer length not increasing to required size to special characters in string by @rathimayur in #3856
- Enhancement - Accessibility Action Support For Playwright by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3862
- Playwright Driver Agent Config page design by @GokulBothe99 in #3857
- Fix- GUIDs Change for Variables/Actions in SR when Solution reloaded by @AmanPrasad43 in #3864
- RQM Field Mapping Optimized by @prashelke in #3865
- Beta branch update before 2024.4 beta 1 by @Maheshkale447 in #3866
- Enhancement - Playwright Auto Heal & Locator Reprioritization by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3867
- Bug fix/soap web api certificate issue by @rathimayur in #3868
- RQM Test Case Duplicate issue fixed by @prashelke in #3869
- D41013_Multiple Mock Data expression does not calculate fixed by @prashelke in #3873
- D42307_shadowDomFix by @prashelke in #3874
- RQM field Mapping Msg changes by @prashelke in #3875
- Bug fix/Execution History Pagination Defect fixed 41037, 41046 and 41047 by @GokulBothe99 in #3878
- BugFix - 41087, 41092 - Playwright Explorer Bug Fixes by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3879
- Bug fix/Empty POM adding with Activity target application by @GokulBothe99 in #3877
- Meni beta checks by @MeniKadosh1 in #3880
- BugFix - 42091 - Added check for 0,0 Viewport Size by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3882
- BugFix - 42099 Accessibility Bug Fix for Playwright by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3881
- Drag Drop Is working now by @AmanPrasad43 in #3884
- Bug fix/40688 Empty Report Email issue by @GokulBothe99 in #3883
- BugFix - 41115, 41116, 42099 - Playwright Accessibility And VRT Bug Fixes by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3885
- D41117_AccessiblityRule after Checked Dirty Marking is not trigging i… by @prashelke in #3886
- Addded try catch block for mutex exception by @AmanPrasad43 in #3888
Full Changelog: v2024.3-Official...v2024.4-Beta.1
Ginger v2024.3 Official
🏢Enterprise Feature
What’s New?
Playwright as Automation Engine (Phase 1)- Playwright as Automation engine for more robust and faster automation.
- Agent Driver type configuration to enable Seamless user experience to create Automation with Playwright or Selenium, using codeless approach as today.
- Commonly used Web Operations from Browser action and UI Element action.
- Auto Pilot POM Learning for Web.
Reuse Automation assets between Android & iOS- Create Automation assets (using POM) once and reuse it for Android and iOS to reduce maintenance and avoid duplication.
Mock data support- Generate random data i.e. addresses, dates, names, and more using built-in mock data support.
Brave Browser support- Extend cross-browser testing coverage for additional browser type i.e. Brave Browser.
Web Smart Sync Action- Advanced sync capabilities to increase automation stability with new Web Smart Sync action.
Other enhancement
- Web agent configuration- Bypass proxy for local host and URLs.
- New Database connection page for more intuitive configuration by database type.
Enterprise Features🏢
- Ask Lisa Chatbot– Gen AI Chatbot to assist users with queries related to Ginger Features and capabilities.
- Online Execution report link in ALM- Publish online execution report link as part execution results update in ALM for better traceability and easy access to the report link directly from ALM..
What’s Changed?
- Web agent configuration page is redesigned to group configuration in various categories and by browser type
- Ginger exe download process - When the user enters email id then he will get one time email verification link
What’s Fixed?
Over 100+ Bugs were fixed.
Ginger v2024.3 Beta.2
What's Changed
- Post beta publish 2024.3.1.0 master update by @Maheshkale447 in #3780
- Feature - 39504 - Playwright Screenshot Action by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3781
- Feature/pom support web smart sync by @GokulBothe in #3782
- Single pom for android and i os by @MeniKadosh1 in #3733
- D39212_Agent Mapping remove and after Continue new agent gets launche… by @prashelke in #3785
- XML Node was being return null in some cases so handling it with back… by @rathimayur in #3774
- Code Re factor by @prashelke in #3786
- Bug fix/40328 Timeout default value by @GokulBothe in #3759
- Feature - 39520 - Playwright Support Existing POM by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3783
- Development time tracker for bf and activity by @AmanPrasad43 in #3784
- Update Beta branch before Beta 2024.3 Beta 2 by @Maheshkale447 in #3787
- Changes Brave error message by @GokulBothe in #3791
- Bug fix/dev time resetting to zero on reload by @AmanPrasad43 in #3793
- [Defect Id: 40342]removed margin and added borders for DB action by @manas-droid in #3792
- Feature - 39520 - Tests For Playwright Support Existing POM by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3788
- Fixed serializer so Empty Guid and Zero timespan won't get serialized by @Maheshkale447 in #3794
- Response status code fix for LISA by @AmanPrasad43 in #3795
- 1- fixed missing POM elements category setup by @MeniKadosh1 in #3798
- D39589_ runner gets skipped Fixed by @prashelke in #3797
- Error Message fix for Exporting result for JIRA, on ALM test set leve… by @AmanPrasad43 in #3799
- BugFix - 39592 - Screenshot Not Available When Tab Closed Manually by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3800
- POM Learning: Removed unwanted chars and space while creation optiona… by @Maheshkale447 in #3801
- RQM dll Updated by @prashelke in #3803
- Fix - Activity Dev Time counter Stop on switching the business flow by @AmanPrasad43 in #3805
- 1- fixing bug in taking screen shot for for Appium Web session by @MeniKadosh1 in #3804
- Parallel Runner Issue Fixed by @prashelke in #3807
Full Changelog: v2024.3-Beta.1...v2024.3-Beta.2
Ginger v2024.3 Beta.1
What's Changed
- Upgraded Font awesome library to version 6 by @Maheshkale447 in #3645
- 40003 Continuation of Git Support undo changed files by @aditydha in #3644
- Master update post 2024.2 Official Release by @Maheshkale447 in #3712
- Master update post 2024.2 Official release by @Maheshkale447 in #3711
- Patch - Shared Repository Activity Gets Removed When Updated by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3717
- 2024.2 Official Release Blocker issue fixes by @Maheshkale447 in #3718
- BugFix - Fix Search Of UCTreeView by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3720
- BugFix - Implement Children Caching For Environments & Documents Tree Items by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3721
- BugFix - UCTreeView Search Fix by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3723
- 2024.2 hot fixes merge to master by @JinendraGhodke in #3726
- Feature/ginger chat bot UI by @JinendraGhodke in #3727
- [DefectId: 39321]Created a copy instead of referencing the variable by @manas-droid in #3725
- [DefectId: 39276]Removed Target Application that exist in businessflow but not in activities of the business flow by @manas-droid in #3722
- Fix kobiton integration by @MeniKadosh1 in #3730
- Brave Browser Agent by @GokulBothe in #3716
- Fix artifact name by @sudarshan0212 in #3704
- Removing Consumer Pop Up message on missing TA due to new implemented… by @AmanPrasad43 in #3697
- [Defect 39369] Able to execute runset from CLI in which env contains 'NA' platform type of applications by @manas-droid in #3737
- healenium changes and added in Beta Feature and Remote Web Driver Node installation fixed by @prashelke in #3736
- By Pass Proxy Feature by @manas-droid in #3735
- Feature - Playwright Web Driver by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3738
- Fixed vulnerable nugget packages And Enhanced Execution Summary Pie Charts by @Maheshkale447 in #3734
- Feature/New Smart Sync Action by @GokulBothe in #3740
- Database Redesign by @manas-droid in #3732
- Ginger Runset Execution Report DB Link to ALM by @AmanPrasad43 in #3739
- Ask Lisa UI Config by @AmanPrasad43 in #3741
- Pre merge 2024.3.1 by @Maheshkale447 in #3742
- Avoided Password Value Expression Encryption by @manas-droid in #3744
- BugFix - 39384 - Agent Details Not Aligned by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3745
- Git dll issue fixed by @prashelke in #3749
- Added condition to avoid deletion of application platform if it is used in Env Application by @manas-droid in #3743
- BugFix - 40296 - POM Items Shown Twice by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3746
- [DefectID: 39391]Oracle Version Serialization and showed it in the Edit Database Page by @manas-droid in #3750
- [Defect: 39387] Removed Exception and increased width by @manas-droid in #3751
- [Defect ID 39390]Added Task for Test Database Connection by @manas-droid in #3748
- BugFix - 40346 - Exception In POM Page With Playwright Agent by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3758
- Added more cases to avoid Encryption and unit test by @manas-droid in #3756
- BugFix - 39399 - Unable To Launch Firefox From Playwright by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3747
- Updated the Pop up for Delete Selected DB by @manas-droid in #3762
- ExportReport ChkBx Disabled on Automate tab by @AmanPrasad43 in #3765
- BugFix - 39432 - Return Boolean For IsValuePopulated by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3763
- BugFix - 39427 - ByURL Locator Not Supported For CloseTabsExcept Operation by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3761
- Handled Sealights issues and Global Variables icon issue by @Maheshkale447 in #3766
- Enterprise feature flag handled by @AmanPrasad43 in #3755
- BugFix - 40347 - Cannot Launch URL Without Protocol by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3754
- Bug fix/rqm report link by @AmanPrasad43 in #3764
- Update popup was not coming on JIRA for already exported BF by @AmanPrasad43 in #3757
- Increased the width database details in Add Database and width of Connection string in Edit Database page by @manas-droid in #3767
- BugFix - 40352 - CLI Analyzer Not Checking Unsupported Actions by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3760
- BugFix - 39434 - Support for Locator checking in analyzer. by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3768
- Added Set Proxy for Edge by @manas-droid in #3769
- BugFix - 39433, 40351 - Headless Mode Description & POM Folder Click Issue by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3771
- BugFix - 40345 - Browser Launched In Private Mode by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3753
- Bug fix/39467_39469_39470_WebSmartSyncAction by @GokulBothe in #3770
- D39430_New Activity Does not have Target application Fixed by @prashelke in #3775
- BugFix - 40346 - Disable Driver Type Dropdown by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3776
- D39401_source control get Latest changes Fixed by @prashelke in #3778
- BugFix - 39427 - Handle Manual New Page Operation by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3777
- Bug fix/ask lisa related fixes by @AmanPrasad43 in #3773
- Changed the Value Expression Password in DatabaseOperations by @manas-droid in #3772
- Ask lisa Authorization issue - bug fix by @AmanPrasad43 in #3779
Full Changelog: v2024.2-Official...v2024.3-Beta.1
Ginger v2024.2 Official
🏢Enterprise Feature
What’s New?
Dynamic/Virtual Environment support- Allow to create new virtual environment or update existing environment applications/parameters using Ginger CLI JSON.
Load Runsets from Execution history- Enable troubleshooting and maintenance of Virtual Runsets executed from other applications like Jenkins, Ginger Play, Otoma etc.
New Action for CLI Orchestration- Seamlessly orchestrate the automation nuggets from different automation frameworks.
View output files on Action & Report- Reduce time to validate action with easy access to action output files from Ginger Actions and from the report.
Visual Testing Enhancement- Capture & preview baseline image from mockup screenshot.
Environment Enhancements
- Connection between target applications and environment applications including platform type attribute.
- Application can be published on Environments from the Target Application configuration page.
- Parameters page redesign and Support for parameter types.
- New Analyzer rules added to check missing application or parameter before execution.
Other enhancement
- Azure DevOps – Added support for Import ALM Entity, Defect creation and update exported entity.
- ALM External Id attribute is added also on Runset and exposed on CLI JSON.
- Support for JIRA latest version (9.12.4).
- Source control Git- Allow user to do local commit and Push the changes to remote separately.
What’s Changed?
- Auto-update application model logic is updated to trigger self-healing only once per execution.
- POM locators with text attributes are considered case insensitive.
- Environment backward support to update applications platform type & parameter type.
What’s Fixed?
Over 100+ Bugs were fixed.
Ginger v2024.2 Beta.1
What's Changed
- Features - Story 38533 - Handler Details In Logger Configurations Page by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3547
- Feature - Story 37452 - Sync Handler URL In AutoRunWizard by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3548
- In Agent Configuration if user uses encrypted variables then the valu… by @rathimayur in #3551
- D38514_UI Enhancement in Accessibility Testing Action by @prashelke in #3555
- ALM External Id Added on RunSet Level by @prashelke in #3552
- D38642_RunsetSameAgentIssueFixed by @prashelke in #3561
- jira related changes for version 9 by @AmanPrasad43 in #3559
- BugFix - 38239 - Add 'Done' Button On Runset Runner Config Page by @Shubhkar13 in #3558
- Feature/env application by @manas-droid in #3544
- BugFix -37344 - Empty Excel cell data gives an exception by @Shubhkar13 in #3562
- BugFix - 38637 - Getting Exception while uninstalling plugin by @Shubhkar13 in #3563
- BugFix - 24185 - Run Current Action Exception by @Shubhkar13 in #3557
- Features - Load Virtual Runset by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3560
- Small improvements to LINQ queries by @Maheshkale447 in #3565
- Changed the way Target Application is shown in the new Environment Application Wizard by @manas-droid in #3549
- Mobile Changes- UI Element Action Changes by @MeniKadosh1 in #3568
- Added Backward Compatibility for Environment Application in Project Environment by @manas-droid in #3550
- Made changes on the Business Flow tab and Automation Tab for Application Platform by @manas-droid in #3570
- Bug[38497]-fixed issue with SOAP API Model, CS Function not getting e… by @rathimayur in #3534
- Added new option in VRT to Upload Baseline image by @prashelke in #3564
- Changed the way New Application Platform is Added by @manas-droid in #3571
- Story(40007) - Pass Variables Between Activities by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3567
- Environment Parameter Page and Variable List with backward compatibility on the VE and Environment Page by @manas-droid in #3569
- Enhancement - Load Runset (Post-Review Requested Changes) by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3566
- Merge before beta 2024.2 Beta 1 by @Maheshkale447 in #3573
- For ALM Added ExternalID Filed on CLI Dynamic Json by @prashelke in #3576
- [Defect-Id]: 40042 Updating business flow target applications and triggering event to update business flow description by @manas-droid in #3575
- DefectId - 19221 Added an event to trigger the application platform name change by @manas-droid in #3574
- Changes for Database related Bug for Mongodb and Couchbase db by @aditydha in #3572
- D37537_D39002_Action not able to Add and Edit Issue Fixed by @prashelke in #3577
- [DefectId: 40044 & 40055] New Solution Application Validation and Environment Platform initialization by @manas-droid in #3581
- DefectID[40056 and 40050]: Stopped the addition of unnecessary environment application platform by @manas-droid in #3579
- D37296_D37297_D38035 Data Source where condition Value gets remove an… by @prashelke in #3580
- Added Application Agent in Runner configuration by @manas-droid in #3578
- DefectId: 40054 Fixed Delete environment application crash issue by @manas-droid in #3584
- Defect ID: [40014] Set Dirty Flag on run set config by @manas-droid in #3582
- BugFix - 38611 - Shared Repository Activity Variable Id Gets Changed by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3586
- Consumer Dropdown was not showing list of All target Application pres… by @AmanPrasad43 in #3583
- Defect/parameter page by @manas-droid in #3587
- BugFix - 40062 - Not Able To See Calender Icon by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3588
- Fix - On Clicking No of Import Pop Up, Test suite still getting imported by @AmanPrasad43 in #3590
- Error message was not clear in case of JIRA when ExternalID was null of BF while doing publish execution result by @AmanPrasad43 in #3593
- Fix - In Runset tab, Defect Profile Dropdown alignment was not proper by @AmanPrasad43 in #3591
- Defect/target application fix by @Maheshkale447 in #3594
- [DefectId: 40042]Selected ComboBox returns null at times and breaks the code by @manas-droid in #3597
- Enhancement - 40062 - Remove Initial Datetime Picker While Adding Datetime Variable by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3595
- D38609_AccessibilityTest Violation Severity Added in Output value by @prashelke in #3598
- D37537_In Plug in Solution Not able to add activity fixed by @prashelke in #3596
- Cassandra Connection String Changes by @aditydha in #3585
- Defect ID [40042] Updating the Target Application in Activity Details Page when the Application Platform list is updated by @manas-droid in #3602
- RQM Activity Status is not update correctly by @prashelke in #3599
- D40077_D40078_D40079_VRT Related Fixes by @prashelke in #3603
- BugFix - 39087 - Virtual Runset Not Showing As Dirty by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3606
- BugFix - 39085, 39077 - Virtual Runset Tooltip & Name Conflict Fix by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3601
- D40081_used variables gets removed from ALM External Id for RunSet L… by @prashelke in #3605
- Fixed issue with API Model Parameter value getting set to blank by @Maheshkale447 in #3610
- [DefectID] : 40063 & 40055 made changes in the Environment Parameter page and removed the Duplicate action from Environment by @manas-droid in #3604
- [DefectId :40060 & 39084] Changed the height and width of AddSolutionPage and AddVariablePage by @manas-droid in #3608
- BugFix - Open Same Virtual Runset For Same History by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3611
- External Id not updating for Run Set level by @prashelke in #3612
- BugFix - 39109 - Ignore Virtual BusinessFlow And Runset From Autosave by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3614
- BugFix - 40082 - Set Variable Action Gets Removed In SR by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3613
- D40088_D40083 RQM Pop up for run set Level Fixed also change error me… by @prashelke in #3615
- BugFix - 38611 - Shared Repository Activity variable Id Gets Changed by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3607
Ginger v2024.1 Official
🏢Enterprise Feature
What’s New?
Accessibility Testing Support- Increase UI/UX automation coverage with Built in support to evaluate web application's compliance with Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
Auto Pilot for Support Shadow DOM- Faster Mean time to Automate and Maintain Web applications (Shadow DOM) using Ginger Auto Pilot
Azure Devops Test Plan (ALM) Integration- ALM Agnostic with built in support for Azure DevOps Test Plan to export flows and publish execution results🏢
Bulk update on Shared Repository- Faster maintenance of Automation nuggets with Bulk update
Convert AGAP Automation framework into Model-Based Engineering (Otoma)- Increase Automation reuse and Allow projects using AGAP framework to migrate to Model based testing🏢
Other enhancement
- Activity group’s execution time gets updated in RQM
- Learn optional values of Model parameters for YAML/JSON format
What’s Changed?
- Ginger is upgraded to .Net 8 version
- Performance optimization of the parallel execution where multiple runners are added in the runset.
- Ginger restart not required after making updates in the Reporting Configurations
- Screen shots process is optimized
- Context Pop up menu click for Java
What’s Fixed?
Over 100+ Bugs were fixed
Ginger v2024.1 Beta.2
What's Changed
- Migrated all projects to .Net 8 by @Maheshkale447 in #3425
- Import optional values from swagger example by @AmanPrasad43 in #3428
- Issue of POM text search in act 37171 by @AmanPrasad43 in #3427
- Screen shot Optimization by @prashelke in #3429
- Enhancement/lite db upgrade by @manas-droid in #3389
- Big fix/context bug fix java/36055 Unable to identify, right click pop up MEC JAVA table by @aditydha in #3432
- Updated Nugget vulnerabilities by @Maheshkale447 in #3433
- Fix Activities List Panel Sizing in Automate Tab by @kharithomas in #3430
- ucList design changes by @MeniKadosh1 in #3435
- D37215_Screenshot with time stamp Fixed by @prashelke in #3438
- Changed Default value of "Delete Local Data" to "Yes" by @manas-droid in #3437
- Changed the Tooltip in Activity Group by @manas-droid in #3442
- Added a condition for when the cross button is clicked by @manas-droid in #3441
- few design/style fixes by @MeniKadosh1 in #3447
- Bug fix/pom text box search37171 by @AmanPrasad43 in #3445
- D37183_Execution Record exception issue fixed by @prashelke in #3452
- Avoiding extra addition of inverted commas by @manas-droid in #3451
- fixing issue for runner pass rate by @sudarshan0212 in #3455
- Defect Fix for optional value by @AmanPrasad43 in #3456
- Default Browser path for Open IE mode in Edge by @prashelke in #3461
- Added Runset Run Description by @manas-droid in #3460
- D37268_Drag Drop windows issue fix by @prashelke in #3463
- Reset the Delete Local Data after Publish on remote Data is selected … by @manas-droid in #3449
- fixing Appiun Swipe issue by @MeniKadosh1 in #3466
- Double click Issue resolved by @prashelke in #3471
- Feature - Bulk update shared repository activities by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3457
- Runset Optimization by @manas-droid in #3436
- Added ValueExpression Test and updated Data Source VE by @manas-droid in #3459
- Accessibility Testing Action added and Related changes by @prashelke in #3468
- D38226_Flow control Flow Skipped Flow executing in Rerun Fixed by @prashelke in #3473
- Decoupled Deserialization in Solution Operations by @manas-droid in #3462
- Appium changes by @MeniKadosh1 in #3476
- Removed repeated test ID from ExternalID2 by @manas-droid in #3479
- MBT related enhancement for Business Flow and Run Set by @AmanPrasad43 in #3484
- Enum Values issue fix for Optional Values by @AmanPrasad43 in #3491
- BugFix - avoid Lite DB upgrade from connection string by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3488
- D36190_SharedRepo Activity Dirty check Fixed by @prashelke in #3490
- BugFix - 36130 Inactive activity becomes active after adding to SR by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3486
- BugFix - 37311 - unclickable app after selecting consumer while bulk update by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3481
- Shared Repository after specific activity defect by @AmanPrasad43 in #3483
- BugFix - 37312 error logs when bulk update SR activity. by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3487
- D38327_CloseAllBrowserActionFix by @prashelke in #3482
- BugFix - 37342 - inactive activity becomes active after bulk update by @IamRanjeetSingh in #3492
Full Changelog: v2023.5-Official...v2024.1-Beta.2