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This platform has been developed to enable comprehensive and efficient management of logisitic, disposition and more. Collab Lodist stands out with its clear structure and intuitive user interface, allowing users to effectively organize and manage their work processes.

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Collab Lodist (Backend)

This platform has been developed to enable comprehensive and efficient management of logisitic, disposition and more. Collab Lodist stands out with its clear structure and intuitive user interface, allowing users to effectively organize and manage their work processes.

Table of Contents

  1. Related Repositories
  2. Technologies
  3. Installation
  4. API URLs
  5. Roles and Their Permissions
  6. Existing Permissions

Related Repositories



Django Python

"Collab Lodist" was developed using the Django technology. Django is a popular web framework that is widely used for building high-quality web applications quickly and efficiently. It provides a powerful and secure infrastructure for developing complex applications, and it is known for its scalability and flexibility. With Django, developers can easily create web applications with clean and maintainable code, making it a popular choice for building web applications. The use of Django in the development of "Collab Lodist" ensures that the app is reliable, secure, and easy to maintain.


Black is an automated code formatter for Python that aims to improve code quality and consistency in Python projects. With its straightforward and immutable formatting, Black ensures that code style is consistent within a project, increasing code readability and maintainability. Using Black in a project like Collab Lodist helps keep the Python code clean and consistent, which contributes to development efficiency in the long term.


isort is a Python utility used to sort and clean the import statements in files. It automates the tedious and often error-prone manual organization of imports, making the code clearer and easier to understand. Integrating isort into the Collab Lodist development process ensures that all Python files have a consistent import structure, promoting code quality and team collaboration.


flake8 is a powerful linting tool for Python that identifies programming errors, style errors, and suspicious constructs. It helps developers adapt their code to the PEP 8 style guidelines, thereby promoting adherence to best practices in Python development. The use of flake8 in the "Collab Lodist" project helps developers write clean and error-free code that is easy to maintain and update.


Pillow is a modern and powerful image editing library in Python. It extends the functionality of the outdated PIL library (Python Imaging Library) and offers a wide range of tools for editing and manipulating images. Using Pillow in "Collab Lodist" allows image editing functions to be easily integrated into the app, be it for uploading user images, creating thumbnails, or other image-related functions.


djlint is a tool for analyzing and cleaning HTML and template code, specifically for use with Django templates. It helps find and fix errors and inconsistencies in template files and helps improve the quality and readability of template code. Integrating djlint into the development of "Collab Lodist" ensures that the templates are clean, error-free and easily maintainable, which forms a solid foundation for the application's user interface.




Clone Project

Using SSH
  1. Open your command prompt or terminal.
  2. Generate an SSH key by typing the command ssh-keygen -t rsa and following the prompts.
  3. Log in to your GitHub account and navigate to the project you want to clone.
  4. Click on the "Clone or download" button and select "Use SSH" in the top right corner of the pop-up.
  5. Copy the SSH URL provided.
  6. In the command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
  7. Type the command git clone [email protected]:Gibb-Panda/collab-lodist-backend.git and press Enter.
  8. Wait for the project to be cloned.


  1. Open your command prompt or terminal.
  2. Log in to your GitHub account and navigate to the project you want to clone.
  3. Click on the "Clone or download" button and select "Use HTTPS" in the top right corner of the pop-up.
  4. Copy the HTTPS URL provided.
  5. In the command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to clone the project.
  6. Type the command git clone and press Enter.
  7. Wait for the project to be cloned.


  1. Install Pyenv via Homebrew by running the following command in your terminal: brew install pyenv.
  2. Once Pyenv is installed, you can install the desired version of Python. For Django 4.1.7, we recommend using Python 3.11.2. To install this version, run the following command: pyenv install 3.11.2. (Warning: This installs Python globally, not in a virtual environment, which is not recommended).
  3. To install virtualenv, you can use the following command if you are using macOS and Homebrew: brew install pyenv-virtualenv. This will install pyenv-virtualenv, which is a plugin for pyenv that provides support for creating and managing virtual environments.
  4. Once Python is installed, you can create a new virtual environment. To do this, run the following command in the project: python -m venv venv.
  5. Now navigate to your Django project directory and activate the newly created virtual environment. To do this, run the following commands: cd (your-path)/collab-lodist-backend and source (your-path)/collab-lodist-backend/venv/bin/activate. This will activate your existing virtual environment.
  6. With the virtual environment activated, you can now install the project dependencies. Run the following command to install the required packages from the requirements.txt file: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  7. Ensure all dependencies are installed correctly and the project is set up properly by running the following commands:
    • python migrate to apply database migrations.
    • python runserver to start the development server.
Note on Initial Setup

When setting up the project for the first time and running migrate or the first time, two users are created: "admin" and "root". The password for these users is the same as their username. This is done because every time migrations are applied, a setup Django command is executed (python setup). This command checks if the two users already exist and creates them if they do not.


Roles and their permissions

The command python setup configures the database, which creates all roles and their permissions.

Roles Permissions
Root *
Administrator system.*, logistic.*, disposition.*
Dispatcher disposition.*, logistic.commodity.update, logistic.warehouse.update, logistic.good_hazard_class.update, logistic.storage_condition.update
Logistician logistic.*
Vehicle Manager, disposition.vehicle.update
Road Transport Specialist, disposition.tour.update.assigned

Existing Permissions

Value Description
* All rights
system.* All rights in user management
system.role.* All CRUD rights for roles
system.role.create Can create roles Can view all existing roles, including details
system.role.update Can update roles
system.role.delete Can delete roles
system.permission.* All CRUD rights for permissions
system.permission.create Can create permissions Can view all existing permissions, including details
system.permission.update Can update permissions
system.permission.delete Can delete permissions
logistic.* All logistics-related rights
logistic.commodity.* All CRUD rights for commodities
logistic.commodity.create Can create commodities Can view all commodities, including details
logistic.commodity.update Can update commodities
logistic.commodity.delete Can delete commodities
logistic.warehouse.* All CRUD rights for warehouses
logistic.warehouse.create Can create warehouses Can view all warehouses, including details
logistic.warehouse.update Can update warehouses
logistic.warehouse.delete Can delete warehouses
logistic.good_hazard_class.* All CRUD rights for good hazard classes
logistic.good_hazard_class.create Can create good hazard classes Can view all good hazard classes, including details
logistic.good_hazard_class.update Can update good hazard classes
logistic.good_hazard_class.delete Can delete good hazard classes
logistic.storage_condition.* All CRUD rights for storage conditions
logistic.storage_condition.create Can create storage conditions Can view all storage conditions, including details
logistic.storage_condition.update Can update storage conditions
logistic.storage_condition.delete Can delete storage conditions
disposition.* All disposition-related rights
disposition.tour.* All CRUD rights for tours
disposition.tour.create Can create tours Can view all tours, including details Can view only assigned tours, including details
disposition.tour.update.other Can update all tours
disposition.tour.update.assigned Can update only assigned tours
disposition.tour.delete Can delete tours
disposition.vehicle.* All CRUD rights for vehicles
disposition.vehicle.create Can create vehicles Can view all vehicles, including details
disposition.vehicle.update Can update vehicles
disposition.vehicle.delete Can delete vehicles


This platform has been developed to enable comprehensive and efficient management of logisitic, disposition and more. Collab Lodist stands out with its clear structure and intuitive user interface, allowing users to effectively organize and manage their work processes.







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