This Simple Shell project is a collaboration between Gerald Juwah and Ahmed A. Olawale. Who are Software Engineers studing as students of ALX school. This project consists of developing and making our own UNIX command interpreter (Shell).
This Simple_shell project can be compiled and launched from the command line, where its main function is to execute commands read from the standard input.
$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
cd - Change directory
env - List the current enviroment variables
exit - exit the shell
pwd - Print the absolute pathname
Description of the files used:
Files | Description |
_calloc.c | Function that allocates memory |
_cd.c | Function that changes to the directory of the process |
_ex.c | Function that finds if input is esit, therefore terminates process |
_fork.c | Function that creates process and executes |
_getline.c | Function that reads what the user writes |
_signal.c | Function that handles the SIGINT signal |
_writerr.c | Function that gets each error |
checkbin.c | Function that checks if commands exits in the PATH |
gridfree.c | Function that free an array of arrays |
parser.c | Function that creates an array of pointers depending on the delimit characters used |
sshell.c | Main function that starts the shell |
shell. h | Header file with all the functions prototypes |
Some of the examples of this shell working process:
#cisfun$ pwd
#cisfun$ cd
#cisfun$ pwd
cd error:
#cisfun$ cd hola
./hsh: 1: cd: can't cd to hola
#cisfun$ exit 123
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/simple_shell$ echo $?
exit error:
#cisfun$ exit hola
./hsh: 2: exit: Illegal number: hola
Gerald Juwah
[email protected]Ahmed A. Olawale
[email protected]