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NativeBase VS Code Extensions README


NativeBase VS Code Extensions are specifically designed to quicken your development process using NativeBase 3.0.


NativeBase snippets are shorthand for commonly used NativeBase components. All snippets start with the prefix nb- and are followed by the name of the desired component. It's that simple.

How Snippets Work

This extension provides working snippets that make it easy to navigate between different breakpoints by using tabs. Here's a quick look at snippets in action:


Release Notes (v0.1.3)

Added Snippets for the following NativeBase components:

  • Hidden
  • View
  • StatusBar
  • KeyboardAvoidingView
  • ScrollView
  • SectionList
  • FlatList

Removed Snippets for the following NativeBase components:

  • List
  • Tabs
  • SimpleGrid

Release Notes (v0.1.2)

Added Snippets for the following NativeBase components:

  • NativeBase Provider
  • Box
  • View
  • Modal
  • Center
  • Container
  • Flex
  • HStack
  • VStack
  • Stack
  • ZStack
  • Button
  • Pressable
  • Checkbox
  • IconButton
  • Input
  • Link
  • Radio
  • Select
  • Slider
  • Switch
  • TextArea
  • Badge
  • Divider
  • List
  • Text
  • Heading
  • Avatar
  • Icon
  • Image
  • Menu
  • Alert
  • ActionSheet
  • Slide
  • Tooltip
  • Popover
  • Stagger
  • FAB
  • Toast
  • Spinner
  • Progress
  • PresenceTransition
  • Tabs
  • AlertDialog