Important Notes
- The GOLR server URL changed to "http://golr.geneontology.org/solr/". If not updating to 1.0.4, you can still patch it manually.
- The default for user-based database is now encrypted (see sample_config.xml). If you have an "unencrypted" database, the options have changed for adding users using tools/users/add_users.pl (-x for non-encrypted). You should not need to change your config.xml.
- If updating tag using an existing git repository, make sure to use "./apollo clean-all" before deploying.
- If updating pre-1.0, remove symlinks!
- Numerous small bug fixes and features implemented.
For a detailed account of all changes, please see:
Readme for a quickstart (note changes):
Please see the Quick-Install guide for full setup details: http://webapollo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Quick_start_guide/
PDF guide generated from readthedocs https://www.dropbox.com/s/31er7sfidoq5whw/WebApollo.pdf?dl=1