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gajaloyan committed Oct 1, 2020
1 parent 887ba82 commit cacbe5a
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Showing 29 changed files with 554 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "minijazz"]
path = minijazz
url =
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion

This file was deleted.

Binary file added doc/minijazz.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added doc/references.pdf
Binary file not shown.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions minijazz
Submodule minijazz added at 4c0ec4
Binary file added projet20.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added tp1.pdf
Binary file not shown.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tp1/_tags
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
true: use_menhir
<*.ml>: debug
<*.byte>: use_unix, debug
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tp1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
exception Cycle
type mark = NotVisited | InProgress | Visited

type 'a graph =
{ mutable g_nodes : 'a node list }
and 'a node = {
n_label : 'a;
mutable n_mark : mark;
mutable n_link_to : 'a node list;
mutable n_linked_by : 'a node list;

let mk_graph () = { g_nodes = [] }

let add_node g x =
let n = { n_label = x; n_mark = NotVisited; n_link_to = []; n_linked_by = [] } in
g.g_nodes <- n::g.g_nodes

let node_for_label g x =
List.find (fun n -> n.n_label = x) g.g_nodes

let add_edge g id1 id2 =
let n1 = node_for_label g id1 in
let n2 = node_for_label g id2 in
n1.n_link_to <- n2::n1.n_link_to;
n2.n_linked_by <- n1::n2.n_linked_by

let clear_marks g =
List.iter (fun n -> n.n_mark <- NotVisited) g.g_nodes

let find_roots g =
List.filter (fun n -> n.n_linked_by = []) g.g_nodes

let has_cycle g = failwith "Graph.has_cycle: Non implementé"

let topological g = failwith "Graph.topological: Non implementé"

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions tp1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
open Graph

let rec check l = match l with
| [] | [_] -> true
| s1::s2::l -> (String.length s1 <= String.length s2) && (check (s2::l))

let test_good () =
let g = mk_graph () in
add_node g "1"; add_node g "21"; add_node g "22"; add_node g "333";
add_edge g "1" "21"; add_edge g "1" "22";
add_edge g "21" "333"; add_edge g "22" "333";
let l = topological g in
print_string "Test: Tri topologique --> ";
if check l then print_endline "OK" else print_endline "FAIL";
List.iter print_endline l;
print_newline ()

let test_cycle () =
let g = mk_graph () in
add_node g "1"; add_node g "2"; add_node g "3";
add_edge g "1" "2"; add_edge g "2" "3"; add_edge g "3" "1";
print_string "Test: Detection de cycle --> ";
if has_cycle g then print_endline "OK" else print_endline "FAIL"

test_cycle ();;
test_good ();;

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions tp1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
open Lexing

exception Parse_error of string

let find_file filename =
open_in filename
| _ -> raise (Parse_error ("No such file '"^filename^"%s'"))

(** [read_file filename] reads the [filename] file and outputs the corresponding
let read_file filename =
let ic = find_file filename in
let lexbuf = from_channel ic in
lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = filename };
Netlist_parser.program Netlist_lexer.token lexbuf
| e ->
let loc = Format.sprintf "line %d, column %d"
(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_cnum - lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_bol)
raise (Parse_error ("Syntax error at "^loc))

(** [print_program oc p] prints the program [p] on the output channel [oc].
For instance, to print on the standard output, use [print_program stdout p].
To print to a file named 'filename', use the following:
let out = open_out filename in
print_program out p
let print_program = Netlist_printer.print_program
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions tp1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
type ident = string

(* Environment using ident as key *)
module Env = struct
include Map.Make(struct
type t = ident
let compare = compare

let of_list l =
List.fold_left (fun env (x, ty) -> add x ty env) empty l

type ty = TBit | TBitArray of int
type value = VBit of bool | VBitArray of bool array

type binop = Or | Xor | And | Nand

(* argument of operators (variable or constant) *)
type arg =
| Avar of ident (* x *)
| Aconst of value (* constant *)

(* Expressions (see MiniJazz documentation for more info on the operators) *)
type exp =
| Earg of arg (* a: argument *)
| Ereg of ident (* REG x : register *)
| Enot of arg (* NOT a *)
| Ebinop of binop * arg * arg (* OP a1 a2 : boolean operator *)
| Emux of arg * arg * arg (* MUX a1 a2 : multiplexer *)
| Erom of int (*addr size*) * int (*word size*) * arg (*read_addr*)
(* ROM addr_size word_size read_addr *)
| Eram of int (*addr size*) * int (*word size*)
* arg (*read_addr*) * arg (*write_enable*)
* arg (*write_addr*) * arg (*data*)
(* RAM addr_size word_size read_addr write_enable write_addr data *)
| Econcat of arg * arg (* CONCAT a1 a2 : concatenation of arrays *)
| Eslice of int * int * arg
(* SLICE i1 i2 a : extract the slice of a between indices i1 and i2 *)
| Eselect of int * arg
(* SELECT i a : ith element of a *)

(* equations: x = exp *)
type equation = ident * exp

type program =
{ p_eqs : equation list; (* equations *)
p_inputs : ident list; (* inputs *)
p_outputs : ident list; (* outputs *)
p_vars : ty Env.t; } (* maps variables to their types*)
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions tp1/netlist_lexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
open Lexing
open Netlist_parser
exception Eof

let keyword_list =
"IN", IN;
"OR", OR;


rule token = parse
{ new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf } (* skip blanks *)
| [' ' '\t']
{ token lexbuf } (* skip blanks *)
| "=" { EQUAL }
| ":" { COLON }
| "," { COMMA }
| ['0'-'9']+ as lxm { CONST lxm }
| ('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z']('_' ? ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' ''' '0'-'9']) * as id)
{ let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
try List.assoc s keyword_list
with Not_found -> NAME id }
| eof { EOF }
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions tp1/netlist_parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
open Netlist_ast

let bool_of_string s = match s with
| "t" | "1" -> true
| "f" | "0" -> false
| _ -> raise Parsing.Parse_error

let bool_array_of_string s =
let a = Array.make (String.length s) false in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
a.(i) <- bool_of_string (String.sub s i 1)

let value_of_const s =
let n = String.length s in
if n = 0 then
raise Parsing.Parse_error
else if n = 1 then
VBit (bool_of_string s)
VBitArray (bool_array_of_string s)

%token <string> CONST
%token <string> NAME
%token EOF

%start program /* the entry point */
%type <Netlist_ast.program> program

INPUT inp=separated_list(COMMA, NAME)
OUTPUT out=separated_list(COMMA, NAME)
VAR vars=separated_list(COMMA, var) IN eqs=list(equ) EOF
{ { p_eqs = eqs; p_vars = Env.of_list vars; p_inputs = inp; p_outputs = out; } }

x=NAME EQUAL e=exp { (x, e) }

| a=arg { Earg a }
| NOT x=arg { Enot x }
| REG x=NAME { Ereg x }
| AND x=arg y=arg { Ebinop(And, x, y) }
| OR x=arg y=arg { Ebinop(Or, x, y) }
| NAND x=arg y=arg { Ebinop(Nand, x, y) }
| XOR x=arg y=arg { Ebinop(Xor, x, y) }
| MUX x=arg y=arg z=arg { Emux(x, y, z) }
| ROM addr=int word=int ra=arg
{ Erom(addr, word, ra) }
| RAM addr=int word=int ra=arg we=arg wa=arg data=arg
{ Eram(addr, word, ra, we, wa, data) }
| CONCAT x=arg y=arg
{ Econcat(x, y) }
| SELECT idx=int x=arg
{ Eselect (idx, x) }
| SLICE min=int max=int x=arg
{ Eslice (min, max, x) }

| n=CONST { Aconst (value_of_const n) }
| id=NAME { Avar id }

var: x=NAME ty=ty_exp { (x, ty) }
| /*empty*/ { TBit }
| COLON n=int { TBitArray n }

| c=CONST { int_of_string c }
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions tp1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
open Netlist_ast
open Format

let rec print_env print lp sep rp ff env =
let first = ref true in
fprintf ff "%s" lp;
(fun x ty ->
if !first then
(first := false; fprintf ff "%a" print (x, ty))
fprintf ff "%s%a" sep print (x, ty)) env;
fprintf ff "%s" rp

let rec print_list print lp sep rp ff = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: l ->
fprintf ff "%s%a" lp print x;
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s %a" sep print) l;
fprintf ff "%s" rp

let print_ty ff ty = match ty with
| TBit -> ()
| TBitArray n -> fprintf ff " : %d" n

let print_bool ff b =
if b then
fprintf ff "1"
fprintf ff "0"

let print_value ff v = match v with
| VBit b -> print_bool ff b
| VBitArray a -> Array.iter (print_bool ff) a

let print_arg ff arg = match arg with
| Aconst v -> print_value ff v
| Avar id -> fprintf ff "%s" id

let print_op ff op = match op with
| And -> fprintf ff "AND"
| Nand -> fprintf ff "NAND"
| Or -> fprintf ff "OR"
| Xor -> fprintf ff "XOR"

let print_exp ff e = match e with
| Earg a -> print_arg ff a
| Ereg x -> fprintf ff "REG %s" x
| Enot x -> fprintf ff "NOT %a" print_arg x
| Ebinop(op, x, y) -> fprintf ff "%a %a %a" print_op op print_arg x print_arg y
| Emux (c, x, y) -> fprintf ff "MUX %a %a %a " print_arg c print_arg x print_arg y
| Erom (addr, word, ra) -> fprintf ff "ROM %d %d %a" addr word print_arg ra
| Eram (addr, word, ra, we, wa, data) ->
fprintf ff "RAM %d %d %a %a %a %a" addr word
print_arg ra print_arg we
print_arg wa print_arg data
| Eselect (idx, x) -> fprintf ff "SELECT %d %a" idx print_arg x
| Econcat (x, y) -> fprintf ff "CONCAT %a %a" print_arg x print_arg y
| Eslice (min, max, x) -> fprintf ff "SLICE %d %d %a" min max print_arg x

let print_eq ff (x, e) =
fprintf ff "%s = %a@." x print_exp e

let print_var ff (x, ty) =
fprintf ff "@[%s%a@]" x print_ty ty

let print_vars ff env =
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>VAR@,%a@]@.IN@,"
(print_env print_var "" ", " "") env

let print_idents ff ids =
let print_ident ff s = fprintf ff "%s" s in
print_list print_ident """,""" ff ids

let print_program oc p =
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel oc in
fprintf ff "INPUT %a@." print_idents p.p_inputs;
fprintf ff "OUTPUT %a@." print_idents p.p_outputs;
print_vars ff p.p_vars;
List.iter (print_eq ff) p.p_eqs;
(* flush *)
fprintf ff "@."
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions tp1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
let print_only = ref false
let number_steps = ref (-1)

let simulator program number_steps = failwith "netlist_simulator.simulator: Non implementé"

let compile filename =
let p = Netlist.read_file filename in
begin try
let p = Scheduler.schedule p in
simulator p !number_steps
| Scheduler.Combinational_cycle ->
Format.eprintf "The netlist has a combinatory cycle.@.";
| Netlist.Parse_error s -> Format.eprintf "An error accurred: %s@." s; exit 2

let main () =
["-n", Arg.Set_int number_steps, "Number of steps to simulate"]

main ()
Binary file added tp1/prebuilt_netlist_simulator.byte
Binary file not shown.

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