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A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files with the markdownlint library


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A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files with the markdownlint library

npm version License


As a global CLI:

npm install markdownlint-cli2 --global

As a development dependency of the current Node.js package:

npm install markdownlint-cli2 --save-dev

As a Docker container image:

docker pull davidanson/markdownlint-cli2

As a global CLI with Homebrew:

brew install markdownlint-cli2

As a GitHub Action via markdownlint-cli2-action:

- name: markdownlint-cli2-action
  uses: DavidAnson/markdownlint-cli2-action@v9



Command Line

markdownlint-cli2 vX.Y.Z (markdownlint vX.Y.Z)

Syntax: markdownlint-cli2 glob0 [glob1] [...] [globN] [--config file] [--fix] [--help]

Glob expressions (from the globby library):
- * matches any number of characters, but not /
- ? matches a single character, but not /
- ** matches any number of characters, including /
- {} allows for a comma-separated list of "or" expressions
- ! or # at the beginning of a pattern negate the match
- : at the beginning identifies a literal file path

Dot-only glob:
- The command "markdownlint-cli2 ." would lint every file in the current directory tree which is probably not intended
- Instead, it is mapped to "markdownlint-cli2 *.{md,markdown}" which lints all Markdown files in the current directory
- To lint every file in the current directory tree, the command "markdownlint-cli2 **" can be used instead

Optional parameters:
- --config    specifies the path to a configuration file to define the base configuration
- --fix       updates files to resolve fixable issues (can be overridden in configuration)
- --help      writes this message to the console and exits without doing anything else
- --no-globs  ignores the "globs" property if present in the top-level options object

Configuration via:
- .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc
- .markdownlint-cli2.yaml
- .markdownlint-cli2.cjs or .markdownlint-cli2.mjs
- .markdownlint.jsonc or .markdownlint.json
- .markdownlint.yaml or .markdownlint.yml
- .markdownlint.cjs or .markdownlint.mjs
- package.json

Cross-platform compatibility:
- UNIX and Windows shells expand globs according to different rules; quoting arguments is recommended
- Some Windows shells don't handle single-quoted (') arguments well; double-quote (") is recommended
- Shells that expand globs do not support negated patterns (!node_modules); quoting is required here
- Some UNIX shells parse exclamation (!) in double-quotes; hashtag (#) is recommended in these cases
- The path separator is forward slash (/) on all platforms; backslash (\) is automatically converted

The most compatible syntax for cross-platform support:
$ markdownlint-cli2 "**/*.md" "#node_modules"

For scenarios where it is preferable to specify glob expressions in a configuration file, the globs property of .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc, .yaml, .cjs, or .mjs may be used instead of (or in addition to) passing glob0 ... globN on the command-line.

As shown above, a typical command-line for markdownlint-cli2 looks something like:

markdownlint-cli2 "**/*.md" "#node_modules"

Because sharing the same configuration between "normal" and "fix" modes is common, the --fix argument can be used to default the fix property (see below) to true (though it can still be overridden by a configuration file):

markdownlint-cli2 --fix "**/*.md" "#node_modules"

In cases where it is not convenient to store a configuration file in the root of a project, the --config argument can be used to provide a path to any supported configuration file (except package.json):

markdownlint-cli2 --config "config/.markdownlint-cli2.jsonc" "**/*.md" "#node_modules"

The configuration file name must be (or end with) one of the supported names above. For example, .markdownlint.json or example.markdownlint-cli2.jsonc. The specified configuration file will be loaded, parsed, and applied as a base configuration for the current directory - which will then be handled normally.

Container Image

A container image davidanson/markdownlint-cli2 can also be used (e.g., as part of a CI pipeline):

docker run -v $PWD:/workdir davidanson/markdownlint-cli2:v0.12.1 "**/*.md" "#node_modules"


  • As when using the command line, glob patterns are passed as arguments.
  • This image is built on the official Node.js Docker image. Per security best practices, the default user node runs with restricted permissions. If it is necessary to run as root, pass the -u root option when invoking docker.
  • By default, markdownlint-cli2 will execute within the /workdir directory inside the container. So, as shown above, bind mount the project's directory there.
    • A custom working directory can be specified with Docker's -w flag:

      docker run -w /myfolder -v $PWD:/myfolder davidanson/markdownlint-cli2:v0.12.1 "**/*.md" "#node_modules"

For convenience, the container image davidanson/markdownlint-cli2-rules includes the latest versions of custom rules published to npm with the tag markdownlint-rule. These rules are installed globally onto the base image davidanson/markdownlint-cli2.

Note: This container image exists for convenience and is not an endorsement of the rules within.

Exit Codes

  • 0: Linting was successful and there were no errors
  • 1: Linting was successful and there were errors
  • 2: Linting was not completed due to a runtime issue

Rule List

Glob expressions

  • Globbing is performed by the globby library; refer to that documentation for more information and examples.


  • See the Configuration section of the markdownlint documentation for information about the inline comment syntax for enabling and disabling rules with HTML comments.
  • In general, glob expressions should match files under the current directory; the configuration for that directory will apply to the entire tree.
    • When glob expressions match files not under the current directory, configuration for the current directory is applied to the closest common parent directory.
  • Paths beginning with ~ are resolved relative to the user's home directory (typically $HOME on UNIX and %USERPROFILE% on Windows)
  • There are two kinds of configuration file (both detailed below):
    • Configuration files like .markdownlint-cli2.* allow complete control of markdownlint-cli2 behavior and are also used by vscode-markdownlint.
      • If multiple of these files are present in the same directory, only one is used according to the following precedence:
        1. .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc
        2. .markdownlint-cli2.yaml
        3. .markdownlint-cli2.cjs
        4. .markdownlint-cli2.mjs
        5. package.json (only supported in the current directory)
    • Configuration files like .markdownlint.* allow control over only the markdownlint config object and tend to be supported more broadly (such as by markdownlint-cli).
      • If multiple of these files are present in the same directory, only one is used according to the following precedence:
        1. .markdownlint.jsonc
        2. .markdownlint.json
        3. .markdownlint.yaml
        4. .markdownlint.yml
        5. .markdownlint.cjs
        6. .markdownlint.mjs
  • The VS Code extension includes a JSON Schema definition for the JSON(C) configuration files described below. This adds auto-complete and can make it easier to define proper structure.
  • See markdownlint-cli2-config-schema.json for that schema and for ways to use it to validate configuration files.


  • The format of this file is a JSONC object similar to the markdownlint options object.
  • Valid properties are:
    • config: markdownlint config object to configure rules for this part of the directory tree
      • If a .markdownlint.{jsonc,json,yaml,yml,js} file (see below) is present in the same directory, it overrides the value of this property
      • If the config object contains an extends property, it will be resolved the same as .markdownlint.{jsonc,json,yaml,yml,js} (see below)
    • customRules: Array of Strings (or Arrays of Strings) of module names/paths of custom rules to load and use when linting
    • fix: Boolean value to enable fixing of linting errors reported by rules that emit fix information
      • Fixes are made directly to the relevant file(s); no backup is created
    • frontMatter: String defining the RegExp used to match and ignore any front matter at the beginning of a document
      • The String is passed as the pattern parameter to the RegExp constructor
      • For example: (^---\s*$[^]*?^---\s*$)(\r\n|\r|\n|$)
    • globs: Array of Strings defining glob expressions to append to the command-line arguments
      • This setting can be used instead of (or in addition to) passing globs on the command-line and offers identical performance
      • This setting is ignored when the --no-globs parameter is passed on the command-line
      • This top-level setting is valid only in the directory from which markdownlint-cli2 is run
    • ignores: Array of Strings defining glob expressions to ignore when linting
      • This setting has the best performance when applied to the directory from which markdownlint-cli2 is run
        • In this case, glob expressions are negated (by adding a leading !) and appended to the command-line arguments before file enumeration
        • The setting is not inherited by nested configuration files in this case
      • When this setting is applied in subdirectories, ignoring of files is done after file enumeration, so large directories can negatively impact performance
        • Nested configuration files inherit and reapply the setting to the contents of nested directories in this case
    • markdownItPlugins: Array of Arrays, each of which has a String naming a markdown-it plugin followed by parameters
      • Plugins can be used to add support for additional Markdown syntax
      • Relative paths are resolved based on the location of the JSONC file
      • For example: [ [ "plugin-name", param_0, param_1, ... ], ... ]
      • Search markdown-it-plugins on npm
    • modulePaths: Array of Strings providing additional paths to use when resolving module references (e.g., alternate locations for node_modules)
    • noInlineConfig: Boolean value to disable the support of HTML comments within Markdown content
      • For example: <!-- markdownlint-disable some-rule -->
    • noProgress: Boolean value to disable the display of progress on stdout
      • This top-level setting is valid only in the directory from which markdownlint-cli2 is run
    • outputFormatters: Array of Arrays, each of which has a String naming an output formatter followed by parameters
      • Formatters can be used to customize the tool's output for different scenarios
      • Relative paths are resolved based on the location of the JSONC file
      • For example: [ [ "formatter-name", param_0, param_1, ... ], ... ]
      • This top-level setting is valid only in the directory from which markdownlint-cli2 is run
      • Search markdownlint-cli2-formatter on npm
    • showFound: Boolean value to display the list of found files on stdout
      • This top-level setting is valid only in the directory from which markdownlint-cli2 is run and only when noProgress has not been set
  • When referencing a module via the customRules, markdownItPlugins, or outputFormatters properties, each String identifier is passed to Node's require function then (if that failed) its import expression
    • Importing a locally-installed module using a bare specifier (ex: package-name) or using a directory name (ex: ./package-dir) will not work until import.meta.resolve is available
  • Settings in this file apply to the directory it is in and all subdirectories.
  • Settings merge with those applied by any versions of this file in a parent directory (up to the current directory).
  • For example: .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc with all properties set


  • The format of this file is a YAML object with the structure described above for .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc.
  • Other details are the same as for .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc described above.
  • For example: .markdownlint-cli2.yaml with all properties set

.markdownlint-cli2.cjs or .markdownlint-cli2.mjs

  • The format of this file is a CommonJS module (.cjs) or ECMAScript module (.mjs) that exports the object described above for .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc (directly or from a Promise).
  • Instead of passing a String to identify the module name/path to load for customRules, markdownItPlugins, and outputFormatters, the corresponding Object or Function can be provided directly.
  • Other details are the same as for .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc described above.
  • For example: .markdownlint-cli2.cjs or .markdownlint-cli2.mjs


  • The format of this file is a standard npm package.json file including a markdownlint-cli2 property at the root and a value corresponding to the object described above for .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc.
  • package.json is only supported in the current directory.
  • package.json is not supported by the --config argument.
  • For example: package-json-sample

.markdownlint.jsonc or .markdownlint.json

  • The format of this file is a JSONC or JSON object matching the markdownlint config object.
  • Settings in this file apply to the directory it is in and all subdirectories
  • Settings override those applied by any versions of this file in a parent directory (up to the current directory).
  • To merge the settings of these files or share configuration, use the extends property (documented in the link above).
  • Both file types support comments in JSON.
  • For example: .markdownlint.jsonc

.markdownlint.yaml or .markdownlint.yml

.markdownlint.cjs or .markdownlint.mjs



  • The glob implementation and handling of pattern matching is slightly different.
  • Configuration files are supported in every directory (vs. only one at the root).
  • The INI config format, .markdownlintrc, and .markdownlintignore are not supported.


  • .markdownlintignore is not supported.


To run markdownlint-cli2 as part of a pre-commit workflow, add a reference to the repos list in that project's .pre-commit-config.yaml like:

- repo:
  rev: v0.12.1
  - id: markdownlint-cli2

Depending on the environment that workflow runs in, it may be necessary to override the version of Node.js used by pre-commit.




A fast, flexible, configuration-based command-line interface for linting Markdown/CommonMark files with the markdownlint library







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