I am passionate about blockchain, DeFi, and web3. With 5 years of software development experience, I have gained extensive expertise in finance and blockchain domains. I thrive on exploring the depths of blockchain technology and am always eager to learn and implement the latest advancements in the field.
My expertise spans across multiple blockchain technologies and tools:
- Languages: Solidity, Rust, Circom, Noir-lang
- Libraries and Frameworks: Viem, Ether.js, Web3.js, Wagmi
- Development Tools: Hardhat, Forge, Anchor
I have a strong background in front-end development, with proficiency in:
- Languages: Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks and Libraries: Next.js, React.js, Angular
- Styling Tools: Tailwind, Bootstrap
I possess extensive experience in back-end development, including:
- Frameworks: NestJs, express.js
- Databases and ORM: PostgreSQL, PGadmin, Sequelize, Redis, MongoDB, Firebase, SQL, MySQL
- Cloud and Hosting: AWS
Feel free to connect with me and explore my projects. I am always open to collaborating on exciting blockchain and web development projects!