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Printer Profiles Other Slicer Settings

FormerLurker edited this page Feb 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Even if you are using a slicer not specifically supported by Octolapse, you can still create a printer profile while retaining all of the features provided by the other slicer types, it just may take a bit longer to figure out what settings to use. Start by selecting 'Other Slicer' from the 'Slicer Type' drop down within your current printer profile.

click to see 'Other Slicer' settings within the Octolapse printer profile Printer Profile - Other Slicer Settings

Retraction Length/Z-Hop Distance

Retraction Length

Controls the retraction distance for Octolapse moves. Also used for 'Extruder State Requirements' quality setting within the snapshot profiles.

Z-Hop Height

The height that Octolapse will lift before moving when 'Lift Before Move' is enabled within the snapshot profile. Also used to detect lifting for use with the 'Trigger on Z-Hop' only snapshot profile setting. If set to 0, lifting and lift detection will be disabled.

Speed Settings

Speed Display Units

Switch all speeds between millimeters per second (mm/sec) and millimeters per minute (mm/min). Note that some rounding will be applied when switching between units due to the floating point math being used.

Movement Speed

Determines the movement (travel) and speeds for Octolapse moves. These settings are also used in conjunction with the 'Feature Detection' quality settings within the snapshot profile. These can be used to dramatically increase print quality when using Octolapse.

Retraction Speed

Determines the retraction speed for Octolapse moves. Also used to detect retraction within the snapshot 'Feature Detection' quality settings.

Deretraction Speed

Determines the deretraction speed for Octolapse moves. Also used to detect deretraction within the snapshot 'Feature Detection' quality settings.

Print Speed

The general printing speed. Also used to detect general printing within the snapshot profile's 'Feature Detection' quality settings.

Z Movement Speed

Determines the z-movement (travel) and speeds for Octolapse lift moves. If 'Lift Before Move' is enabled within the snapshot profile, this speed will be applied to any lift operations. This setting is also used in conjunction with the 'Feature Detection' quality settings within the snapshot profile.

Perimeter Speed

The speed at which perimeters are printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Small Perimeter Speed

The speed at which small perimeters are printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

External Perimeter Speed

The speed at which external perimeters are printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Infill Speed

The speed at which infill is printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Solid Infill Speed

The speed at which solid infill is printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Top Solid Infill Speed

The speed at which top solid infill is printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Support Speed

The speed at which support structures are printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Bridge Speed

The speed at which bridges are printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Gap Fill Speed

The speed used for printing gaps. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

First Layer Speed

The speed at which the first layer will print. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

First Layer Travel Speed

The speed at which travel moves are made on the first layer. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Skirt/Brim Speed

The speed at which skirts and brims will be printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Above Raft Speed

The speed at which objects directly above a raft will be printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Ooze Shield Speed

The speed at which an ooze shield will be printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Prime Pillar Speed

The speed at which a prime pillar will be printed. This setting is used within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile.

Speed Tolerance

How closely any speed must match the current printer speed in order to match features within the 'Feature Detection' print quality setting within the snapshot profile. Additionally, speeds will be rounded to this number when loading settings from the server.

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