is a lightweight & powerful extension to improve your video experience & choice.
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- by (only 109 extensions)- 'Might be the best YouTube Extension Ever' 2021 - 'enhances YouTube in meaningful ways' gHacks - 'Strong add-on, that gives full control over Youtube. Big thanks ♡ to our contributors, Dodieboy, translators/wiki-authors, donators |
The only one of a kind: 👪 Join us?
We gradually kept achieving sisyphean tasks since 2012, to give you 100+ efficient features. Now adding or fixing something is finally often as easy as any web development & soo motivating as there are 0.5 million users. It's all here for you!
(Throughout the years we saw other openly developed YouTube Extensions start well but resign later.)
please spread the word 📣
- Why arent there millions of users yet? We didn't write a guide or manual (let alone marketing). ImprovedTube can easily fly higher through your word of mouth & enable us to work on all wishes 🌱.
We need to help people to learn as easily as possible about our 90+ features. (Drafts welcome. This will become 🛈tooltips in the extension!") -
[ ]
Updating translations - some language files miss additions. - Also: Poofreading English
2. - [ ]
Plans & Specifications 🧩
- unique & relevant, often special
& - [ ]
organizational Discussions
- future & structure
3. - [ ]
Feature Requests🌟🧚
- sometimes easy / CSS
- [ ]
+ Wishes in discussions
- [ ]
Bugs🐞 / YouTube Updates
we aim to offer some bug-bounties Please ask
[ ]
Tidy:(Rest/Unsorted 'issues')
- "Our github issues, which are not yet labled, which makes them appear in one of the ToDo-categories above") Further reading: "Contributing without programming" & "Our CSS, JavaScript, json"(
outdated) (Newcomers are welcome tho! We review all edits & love to collaborate
🌎 Translators ♡ |
✓Bahasa Indonesia :Bagus23 ,A.Muttaqin ✔️Deutsch :Termuellinator ,css-smueller ✔️English (UK:KorbinCode) Proofreaders: ___ (you?) ✓Español :Kioraga ,Compvictor ,dimateos ✓Français :leghort ,Eymiks ,Solvabl ✓Hrvatski :mbeara ✔️Italiano :urfausto ✓Nederlands :aron-hoogeveen ,Vistaus ✓Norsk :master3395 ,comradekingu ✓Norsk Bokmål :comradekingu ✔️Polski :FluidExtractor ✓Português :DrNopt ✔️Português (Brasil) :dthiago ,Mike-Correa DavidBrazSan ✓Română :hateofhades ✓සිංහල (Sri Lanka) :AshenNethsara ✓Slovenčina :bbc-s ✓Türkçe :onurdumangoz ,daswareinfach 😕Thai :______ (you?)Vietnamese :zeref-dragneel (you?)✓Русский :qweered ,alexesprit ✓ελληνικά :molyvius ✓العربية :Raayib ✓हिन्दी :monishamandal02 ,BRAVO68WEB ✔️বাংলা :BRAVO68WEB ✔️中文 (简体) :niceRAM ,ausers ✔️中文 (繁體) :Still34 ,water903 ,suitangi ✔️日本語 :utuhiro78 ✓한국어 :msc9533 ,LYHyoung (= Russian, Greek, Arabian, Hindi, Bengali Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean) More languages: Filipino, Malay, Punjabi, ... ✓ = missing some additions/updates
❔ImprovedTube controls
in, under or around the video player or cursor.
❔Meaningful/Most similar extensions
? Social-Fixer, Youtube Enhancer, Simplify, ....
📟 We are focused on update, bugs & UX
but please keep up your wishes for Features!♡
📟 Enjoy our projects: global Dark Mode
, to tweak CSS everywhere + Theme engine in the making, ...
📟 2021
: Firefox, Edge, Opera, Whale added (please try&rate)
ImprovedTube controls
Meaningful/Most similar extensions
Dark Mode
- Browsing / Filters: Dark Mode
+ unFreeze me(Deny overwriting Right-Click, Ctrl+F,...)
+ Regex Replace +
Custom user agent - Research: Regex Search ('Ctrl+F+Shift')
- Video / Media: (will be part of ImprovedTube)
Frame by Frame,
Equalizer, unBlob
- Video / Media: (will be part of ImprovedTube)
- 🐣 Home/Daily: History Manager, Start Page ,ToDo
Development: Satus (=Our UI library), T E, P, Code Editor, Viscum Player,
Open-Source & Git: Pull Requests bots Regex Collector,
We will work on more novel (new & unique) projects for you & just started our github/Wish-Factory (or [email protected])
Do you need to run an extension, site, app or repo with many users and a great feedback score?
We like to help good meaningful causes. [email protected]
▽ImprovedTube, is an extension we built to refine and sweeten your YouTube experience. A one-stop-shop with many powerful features to enhance YouTube, yet liteweight. A larger player & tidy YouTube UI / hiding distractions were the first loved feature. And there was so much left to build and are many clever features to come still. ImprovedTube is designed with our own UI library: Satus (to manage your settings efficiently & create familiar apps/'cousins easily.) Please spread the word: ImprovedTube is the only project of it's kind, because other open Youtube Extensions resigned. No other project provides so much CSS to adjust a website🦄.
- Video quality
- Themes and customisation
- Repeat-, screenshot-, rotate-buttons
- Pop-up player
- Ads management
- Hide Cards and Annotations
- Customise video page appearance (always expand description, hide related videos etc.)
- Channel page customisations
- Customisation of hotkeys/shortcuts
- Statistics
- Volume mixer Full list
- Download & extract the latest🧪version (or release)
Go to your Browser's Extensions page (chrome://extensions/)
Activate "Developer mode"
Click the "Load unpacked" button
& Select the extracted folder
Go to Add-ons (about:addons)
Click on "Extensions" tab
Click on "Debug Add-ons" (about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox)
Click on "Load Temporary Add-on…"
Select the "manifest.json" file from unzipped folder
Brave |
Chromium |
Chrome |
Edge |
Firefox |
Opera |
Safari |
Vivaldi |
0.52+ | 49.0+ | 49.0+ | 79.0+ | 44.0+ | 36.0+ | x.x+ | 1.0+ |