A role to install Apache Solr.
The following variables can be used with the solr role:
- solr_source: URL where to retrieve Solr, defaults 'http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/'.
- solr_version: Solr version to use, defaults to '6.1.0'.
- solr_destination: Where to install Solr, defaults to '/usr/local/src'
- solr_home: The path the Solr home directory, defaults to "{{solr_destination}}/solr/example".
- solr_memory: Maximum memory for the Solr process, defaults to '1024'.
- solr_basename: The basename of the retrieved Solr archive, defaults to "solr-{{solr_version}}".
- solr_multicore_src: (optional) The path to a Solr configuration dir used as replacement (through synlink) of the default
- The oracle8-java is used to install Java.
- Stephan Hochhaus [email protected] - yauh.de
- Pierre Buyle [email protected]