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Merge pull request SimVascular#5 from zasexton/master
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ktbolt authored Aug 31, 2022
2 parents 611571a + 2956c55 commit 1341e89
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Showing 3 changed files with 278 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions PythonAPI/Importing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
# Tools for Installing, Uninstalling, and Checking for SV Python Packages
Currently this code serves as a template to be copied into scripts that are
loaded into the SV Python API Interface when additional Python modules are
needed but not included within the base SV Python Interpreter. For reference,
the python modules included with the base SV Python Interpreter can be listed
from the following command.


Albeit after much complaining, the SV Python Interpreter will return a
comprehensive list of all the included modules which are available by
default. If your script requires a new or different version of one of
these modules, *be careful*. Changing one of these modules may affect
performance of internal routines and cause unpredicted behaviors to
occur. This is especially true for the `vtk` module which is called
by `sv` specific modules to return PolyData objects. This list of included
modules is also provided here for reference.

| | | | |
|Cython | codeop | netrc | sys|
|IPython |collections | nntplib | sysconfig|
|__future__ | colorama | notebook | tabnanny|
|_ast | colorsys | nt | tarfile|
|_bisect | commctrl | ntpath | telnetlib|
|_bootlocale | compileall | ntsecuritycon | tempfile|
|_cffi_backend | concurrent | nturl2path | tensorboard|
|_codecs | configparser | numbers | tensorflow|
|_codecs_cn | contextlib | numpy | tensorflow_estimator|
|_codecs_hk | copy | odbc | termcolor|
|_codecs_iso2022 | copyreg | opcode | terminado|
|_codecs_jp | crypt | operator | testpath|
|_codecs_kr | csv | optparse | tests|
|_codecs_tw | ctypes | os | textwrap|
|_collections | curses | packaging | this|
|_collections_abc | cycler | pandocfilters | threading|
|_compat_pickle | cygwin_bash_kernel | parser | time|
|_compression | cython | parso | timeit|
|_csv | cythonmagic | pasta | timer|
|_ctypes | datetime | pathlib | tkinter|
|_ctypes_test | dateutil | pdb | token|
|_datetime | dbi | perfmon | tokenize|
|_decimal | dbm | pickle | tornado|
|_distutils_hack | dde | pickleshare | trace|
|_dummy_thread | decimal | pickletools | traceback|
|_elementtree | decorator | pip | tracemalloc|
|_functools | defusedxml | pipes | traitlets|
|_hashlib | difflib | pkg_resources | tty|
|_heapq | dis | pkgutil | turtle|
|_imp | distutils | platform | turtledemo|
|_io | doctest | plistlib | types|
|_json | dummy_threading | poplib | typing|
|_locale | easy_install | posixpath | unicodedata|
|_lsprof | echo_kernel | powershell_kernel | unittest|
|_markupbase | email | pprint | urllib|
|_md5 | encodings | profile | urllib3|
|_msi | ensurepip | prometheus_client | uu|
|_multibytecodec | entrypoints | prompt_toolkit | uuid|
|_multiprocessing | enum | pstats | venv|
|_opcode | errno | pty | vtk|
|_operator | faulthandler | pvectorc | warnings|
|_osx_support | filecmp | pwlf | wave|
|_overlapped | fileinput | pyDOE | wcwidth|
|_pickle | fnmatch | py_compile | weakref|
|_pydecimal | formatter | pyclbr | webbrowser|
|_pyio | fractions | pycparser | webencodings|
|_pyrsistent_version| ftplib | pydoc | werkzeug|
|_random | functools | pydoc_data | wheel|
|_sha1 | gast | pyexpat | widgetsnbextension|
|_sha256 | gc | pygments | win2kras|
|_sha512 | genericpath | pyparsing | win32api|
|_signal | getopt | pyrsistent | win32clipboard|
|_sitebuiltins | getpass | pythoncom | win32com|
|_socket | gettext | pywin | win32con|
|_sqlite3 | glob | pywin32_bootstrap | win32console|
|_sre | grpc | pywin32_testutil | win32cred|
|_ssl | gzip | pywintypes | win32crypt|
|_stat | h5py | pyximport | win32cryptcon|
|_string | hashlib | qtconsole | win32event|
|_strptime | heapq | qtpy | win32evtlog|
|_struct | hmac | queue | win32evtlogutil|
|_symtable | html | quopri | win32file|
|_testbuffer | http | random | win32gui|
|_testcapi | idlelib | rasutil | win32gui_struct|
|_testimportmultiple| idna | re | win32help|
|_testmultiphase | imaplib | regcheck | win32inet|
|_thread | imghdr | regutil | win32inetcon|
|_threading_local | imp | reprlib | win32job|
|_tkinter | importlib | requests | win32lz|
|_tracemalloc | importlib_metadata | rlcompleter | win32net|
|_warnings | inspect | rmagic | win32netcon|
|_weakref | io | run | win32pdh|
|_weakrefset | ipaddress | runpy | win32pdhquery|
|_win32sysloader | ipykernel | sched | win32pdhutil|
|_winapi | ipykernel_launcher | scipy | win32pipe|
|_winxptheme | ipython_genutils | select | win32print|
|_yaml | ipywidgets | selectors | win32process|
|abc | isapi | send2trash | win32profile|
|absl | itertools | servicemanager | win32ras|
|adodbapi | jedi | setuptools | win32rcparser|
|afxres | jinja2 | shelve | win32security|
|aifc | json | shlex | win32service|
|antigravity | jsonschema | shutil | win32serviceutil|
|argon2 | jupyter | signal | win32timezone|
|argparse | jupyter_client | simvascular_python_kernel | win32trace|
|array | jupyter_console | simvascular_tcl_kernel | win32traceutil|
|ast | jupyter_core | site | win32transaction|
|astor | keras_applications | six | win32ts|
|asynchat | keras_preprocessing| smtpd | win32ui|
|asyncio | keyword | smtplib | win32uiole|
|asyncore | kiwisolver | sndhdr | win32verstamp|
|atexit | lib2to3 | socket | win32wnet|
|attr | linecache | socketserver | win_unicode_console|
|audioop | locale | sqlite3 | winerror|
|autoreload | logging | sre_compile | winioctlcon|
|backcall | lzma | sre_constants | winnt|
|base64 | macpath | sre_parse | winperf|
|bdb | macurl2path | ssl | winpty|
|binascii | mailbox | sspi | winreg|
|binhex | mailcap | sspicon | winxpgui|
|bisect | markdown | stat | winxptheme|
|bleach | markupsafe | statistics | wrapt|
|builtins | marshal | storemagic | wsgiref|
|bz2 | math | string | xdrlib|
|cProfile | mimetypes | stringprep | xml|
|calendar | mistune | struct | xmlrpc|
|certifi | mmap | subprocess | xxsubtype|
|cffi | mmapfile | sunau | yaml|
|cgi | mmsystem | sv | zipapp|
|cgitb | modulefinder | sv_ml | zipfile|
|chardet | msilib | sv_rom_extract_results | zipimport|
|chunk | msvcrt | sv_rom_simulation | zipp|
|cmath | multiprocessing | sv_vis | zlib|
|cmd | nbconvert | symbol | zmq|
|code | nbformat | sympyprinting | |
|codecs | netbios | symtable | |

Again, this is meant to be a convenient list of modules that are most likely
available with the base SV Python Interpreter; however, this should be confirmed
on your own machine before assuming that is or is not available.

To check the version of a given module the following code can be run. This may
be important when checking for potential conflict between SV and external
package dependencies. If there is a conflict between versions, always prioritize
the SV package version dependency.

import pkg_resources

>>> import pkg_resources
>>> pkg_resources.get_distribution('six').version

This tool folder contains the `install`, `uninstall`, and `search` functions.
These functions attempt to find packages and add or remove them to the
SV Python 3.5.5 Interpreter.

## Help

For more information on function usage, inputs, and return values, run the
`help(<function_name>)` command on a given function.

68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions PythonAPI/Importing/
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# author: Zachary Sexton
# date: 8-31-21

from pip._internal import main as pipmain

def install(package_name,version=None,inequality=None):
Install a python package from within the python SV Interpreter.
package_name : str
python package name for lookup on
version : str, optional
package version to install. Default is None meaning that
no constraints on package version will be supplied
inequality : str, optional
supplied as an additional argument if multiple packages
satisfy the desired requirements above or below the given
package version specified. By default inequality is None,
meaning that the inequality argument is ignored; however
if a version is supplied without an accompanying inequality
argument then inequality defaults to strict equality '=='
Accepted string arguments are the following:
'==', '<', '>', '<=', '>='
success : bool
if a package was successfully installed success will be True,
otherwise success will return False
# Sanitizing Inputs for package requirements
if not isinstance(package_name,str):
print('package_name argument must be of type -> str')
return False
if not isinstance(version,str) and not version is None:
print('version argument must be of type -> str')
return False
if not isinstance(inequality,str) and inequality is not None:
print('inequality argument must be of type -> str')
return False
# Checking logical package constraints (if applicable)
if inequality is not None:
if inequality is not in ['==','<','>','<=','>=']:
print('inequality must be one of the following: == < > <= >=')
return False
if version is None:
print('version must be given if an inequality argument is given')
return False
# Attempting package fetching and installation
if version is None:
elif version is not None and inequality is None:
elif version is not None and inequality is not None:
success = True
print('package installation failed')
success = False
return success
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions PythonAPI/Importing/
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# author: Zachary Sexton
# date: 8-31-21

from pip._internal import main as pipmain

def uninstall(package_name):
Install a python package from within the python SV Interpreter.
package_name : str
python package name for lookup within the site-packages
directory for the SV Interpreter
success : bool
if a package was successfully uninstalled success will be True,
otherwise success will return False
# Sanitizing Inputs for package requirements
if not isinstance(package_name,str):
print('package_name argument must be of type -> str')
return False
success = True
print('package uninstallation failed')
success = False
return success

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