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This repository is where I store my programming questions. It serves as an organized collection of challenges I have completed, allowing me to easily access and review them.


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🏆 Competitive Programming Studies 🏆

Developed by 💻:

About 🤔:

This repository serves as a storage for my studies, codes, and materials related to competitive programming. My main intention is to participate in famous programming marathons in Brazil, and this repository supports my preparation for those events.

The repository includes solutions to coding questions from platforms such as BeeCrowd, Codeforces, LeetCode, and other popular platforms for competitive programming. It serves as a centralized location to store my progress, track improvements, and access study materials. I aim to sharpen my programming abilities and improve my performance in competitive programming competitions.

By organizing and maintaining this repository, I aim to enhance my problem-solving skills, learn different algorithms and techniques, and stay updated with the programming challenges faced in competitive environments.

Some of the notable programming marathons in Brazil that I aspire to participate in include ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), Maratona de Programação da SBC (Brazilian Computing Society Programming Marathon), OBI (Brazilian Olympiad in Informatics) and POSCOMP (National Exam for Admission to Graduate Studies in Computing). These events provide valuable opportunities to test my skills, collaborate with teammates, and showcase my programming abilities on a national or international stage.

Feel free to check my profile at some of these Competitive Programming plataforms:

Special thanks to 🥰:

  • Márcio Soussa, thank you for your support and guidance in my competitive programming journey. Your encouragement and mentorship have been invaluable.
  • Marcos Lapa, thank you for your support and guidance in my competitive programming journey. Your encouragement and mentorship have been invaluable.

Resourses 🧑‍🔬:

  • Solutions to programming questions from BeeCrowd: a collection of solved coding problems from BeeCrowd, a platform for programming practice. These solutions are primarily implemented in C, C++ and SQL.

Results 📈:

Figure 1 - Placement at SBC 2020 first fase.

Dependencies 🚚:

In summary, heres what you're gonna need in order to run the all codes in this repository:

  • none yet :p

For installing dependencie, you can run the following command at terminal, inside the clonned repository:

pip3 install -r dependencies/requirements.txt

How to run these codes 🏃:

First, clone this repository. In the top of each code file, has a manual with instructions for compiling, running, its porpouse and other information. They usually look like the template below:

File:           file_name.ext
Last changed:   xx/xx/20xx xx:xx
Purpose:        Code for hard problems         
Authors:        Fernando Antônio Marques Schettini   
	HowToCompile:   gcc fiLe_name.cpp -o file_name
	HowToExecute:   ./file_name           

Development Process ⚙️:

During the period leading up to the SBC programming marathon, i followed an informal development process without any specific methodology. Me and my focused on filling up the repository with relevant content to support our preparation.

To ensure effective collaboration and progress, we held weekly team meetings. These meetings provided a platform for us to discuss and plan our activities, set goals, allocate tasks, and track our progress. The regularity of these meetings significantly increased the frequency of updates and contributions to the repository.

Tools Used 🛠️:

How to contribute 🫂:

Feel free to create a new branch, fork this repository, create a new issue or make a pull request contact one of us to help at my studies.

Licence 📜:

Apache V2

References 📙:

none yet :p


This repository is where I store my programming questions. It serves as an organized collection of challenges I have completed, allowing me to easily access and review them.








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