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Deep-GUI is a tool for generating intelligent inputs to test UI-based applications, such as Android or web applications.


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Deep Generation of UI Inputs (Deep-GUI)

Deep-GUI is a tool for generating intelligent inputs to test UI-based applications, such as Android or web applications. This document provides instruction on how to train a Deep-GUI model, how to use it in order to automatically interact with an application, and how to quantify the quality of the generated inputs in terms of line coverage.


System requirements:

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Python 3.6.8
  • Java 8

Before getting started:

  • Install Android SDK
    • Download and extract Android SDK commandline tool in ~/android-sdk. Locate sdkmanager in ~/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/bin
    • Install build-tools 30.0.3 using sdkmanager
    • Install system image system-images;android-10;google_apis;x86 using sdkmanager
  • Install Mozilla Firefox for testing web applications
  • Clone this repository in /home/$USER
    • Install Packages in requirements.txt

Note: it is important to install the requirements in the exact paths mentioned above.

Repository Structure

└───apks: a sample set of apk files with their respective emma file.
└───configs: configuration templates for different tasks
└───models: pre-trained deep-gui models
└───scripts: bash scripts used by different parts of the tool
└───src: python source files 


You can use this software to perform these tasks:

Data Collection

In order to train deep-gui, you need to first collect data.

  1. Create emulator template

    cd scripts
    ./ tester_ref collector_ref
  2. Set the configurations:

    In configs/collect-configs.yaml, set these mandatory values:

    collectors: The first number is the number of parallel data collection agents
    data_file_dir: The directory where the data is stored in (change this dircetory to collect both training and validation data)
    logs_dir: The directory where the tensorboard logs are written to
    collectors_apks_path: The directory containing training/validation apks
    collector_configs.version_start: If you need to append to existing data, set this number accordnigly
  3. Copy configs/collect-configs.yaml to src/configs.yaml

  4. Run the code: cd src; python

  5. You can also monitor the progress:

    cd <logs_dir> # same as logs_dir used in configs.yaml file
    tensorboard --logdir=. --reload_interval 1 --samples_per_plugin "images=0"

    Connect to localhost:6006 to see tensorboard logs.


To train using the collected data:

  1. Set the configurations:

    In configs/train-configs.yaml, set these mandatory values:

    data_file_dir: The directory containing the training data
    learner_configs.save_dir: The directory where the trained models are stored. You need to create this directory manually.
    learner_configs.validation_dir: The directory containing the validation data
    collector_configs.version_start: Set this to a large number
  2. Copy configs/train-configs.yaml to src/configs.yaml

  3. Run the code: cd src; python

Note: A pre-trained model is availabe in models

Android Experiments (Monkey++)

To run the experiments:

  1. Create emulator template

    cd scripts
    ./ tester_ref collector_ref
  2. Set the configurations:

    In configs/monkey-test-configs.yaml, set these mandatory values:

    testers: The first number is the number of parallel agents.
    weights_file.e10: The path to the model that is to be used (.hdf5)
  3. Copy configs/monkey-test-configs.yaml to src/configs.yaml

  4. Run the code:

    • If you want to run monkey without deep-gui:
       cd scripts
       ./ <experiment-name> monkey 0 <num-agents> <num-rounds> <apk-dir> <experiment-dir>
    • If you want to run deep-gui:
       cd scripts
       ./ <experiment-name> deep 1 <num-agents> 1 <apk-dir> <experiment-dir>


    <experiment-name>: An arbitrary name for the experiment
    <num-agents>: Number of parallel agents (must match the configs.yaml file)
    <apk-dir>: The directory containing test apks. Each apk named app.apk needs to have a emma file in the same directory named app.apk.em
    <experiment-dir>: The directory containing the experiment files
  5. After the experiment is completed, run this:

    cd ../src
    python <experiment-dir> <experiment-name> <experiment-dir>/tb_otest_logs <apk-dir>
  6. Look at the logs:

    cd <experiment-dir>/tb_otest_logs
    tensorboard --logdir=. --reload_interval 1 --samples_per_plugin "images=0"

    Connect to localhost:6006 to see tensorboard logs.

Web Experiments

To run the experiments:

  1. Set the configurations:

    In configs/web-configs.yaml, set these mandatory values:

    • If you want to run a random agent:
       testers: Set to [<num-parallel-agents>, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], monkey]
       reward_predictor: [RandomRewardPredictor, random]
    • If you want to use deep-gui:
       testers: Set to [<num-parallel-agents>, [.7, .3], deep, c99s, e10]
       reward_predictor: [UNetRewardPredictor, unet]
    logs_dir: The directory where the tensorboard logs are written to
    weights_file.e10: The path to the model that is to be used (.hdf5)
    browser_configs.apps: The list of websites to be explored
  2. Copy configs/web-configs.yaml to src/configs.yaml

  3. Run the code: cd src; python

  4. You can also monitor the progress:

    cd <logs_dir> # same as logs_dir used in configs.yaml file
    tensorboard --logdir=. --reload_interval 1 --samples_per_plugin "images=0"

    Connect to localhost:6006 to see tensorboard logs.


To analyze the results:

  1. Uncomment the appropriate section in scripts/

  2. Run the analysis:

    cd scripts
    ./ <experiment-dir> <apk-dir> <num-agents>
  3. Check the results:

    cd <experiment-dir>/tb_otest_logs/analysis
    tensorboard --logdir=. --reload_interval 1 --samples_per_plugin "images=0"

    Connect to localhost:6006 to see tensorboard logs.


If you use the code or data, please cite the following paper:

author={YazdaniBanafsheDaragh, Faraz and Malek, Sam},
title={Deep GUI: Black-box GUI Input Generation with Deep Learning},
booktitle={2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)},
year={2021},  volume={},  number={},  pages={905-916},  doi={10.1109/ASE51524.2021.9678778}}


Deep-GUI is a tool for generating intelligent inputs to test UI-based applications, such as Android or web applications.








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