Android App using COVID-19 Coronavirus API
a simple app that contains some basic functionality to follow Coronavirus statistics and news about Turkey.
- Dagger 2 - Used to provide dependency injection
- Retrofit 2 - OkHttp3 - request/response API
- Glide - for image loading.
- LiveData with Coroutines and Flow - Work In Progress.
- Data Binding - bind UI components in layouts to data sources
- follow the rules from Architecture guidelines recommended by Google.
- keep Fragments only responsible for UI related code
- ViewModel provides data required by the UI class
- Repository layer provides data to ViewModel classes. (single source of truth)
Don't forget to update COVID-19 Coronavirus API token to yours
- improve Application UI.
- update and fix FetchDashboardUseCase
- add related unit tests.
- add related UI tests.