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FIQL (Feed Item Query Language) is a URI-friendly syntax for expressing filters.

FIQL looks like this:

fiql = "author.age=ge=25;*Doe"

Using this module you will be able to parse a FIQL string and to build a query for any system (SQL, Elasticsearch, etc...) from it.


If you want to know more about FIQL grammar please check the RFC, and my lexer and parser

Quick start

First, add this module to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
    {:fiqlex, "~> 0.1.1"},

Given a FIQL string like:

fiql = "author.age=ge=25;*Doe"

Pass it to the parse/1 or parse1!/1 functions to retrieve an AST of the FIQL string:

{:ok, ast} = FIQLEx.parse(fiql)

Then you can use this AST to build you own query for your system or use our built-in query builders like FIQLEx.QueryBuilders.SQLQueryBuilder:

{:ok, sql_query} = FIQLEx.build_query(ast, FIQLEx.QueryBuilders.SQLQueryBuilder, table: "author")

Here, sql_query is SELECT * FROM author WHERE (author.age >= 25 AND LIKE '%Doe').

You can use your own query builder by providing your own module that uses FIQLEx.QueryBuilder as second argument of build_query/3.


Documentation can be found in hexdoc


You can run tests with:

mix test