Production Map:: This url represents the user facing version of LABINS.
Live Demo represents current code on the master branch. NOTE: may not represent what is currently on the production website.
The Land Boundary Information System or LABINS was developed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to provide information regarding to surveying and mapping for horizontal and vertical control information across the State of Florida.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of State Lands, Bureau of Survey and Mapping, has contracted with the Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center at the Florida State University, to collect the attendant data from Federal, State, and local agencies for use by the private sector.
This WebMap is created as an update to the previous version to utilize the JavaScript API for ArcGIS.
We need a table of what data we can find
The user is able to zoom to different features within the map.
This tool will only zoom to the boundary polygons of the feature selected. No data will be selected
Zoom to Township/Range/Section
Map will zoom once Township/Range dropdowns are filled.
Map will zoom when Township/Range/Section is filled.
Section choices will reset each time another Range is selected
Section and Range will reset each time a township is selected
Select layer to query:
Select field from which to return all data within polygon or search by name/ID:
Finds any data from all visible layers under a mouseclick. Resulting data is then fed to the Information Panel (popup).
Allows the user to do either a global or a layer specific search to find a desired feature.