Using Ruby on Rails, we'd like you to create a simple experts directory search tool. The tool can either be a full featured application or API only.
- Spend no more than 4 hours coding for the project. Do not include any initial application setup in this time limit.
The application should fulfill the following requirements:
- A member can be created using their name and a personal website address.
- When a member is created, all the headers (h1-h3) values are pulled in from the website to that members profile.
- The website url is shortened (e.g. using
- After the member has been added, I can define their friendships with other existing members. Friendships are bi-directional i.e. If David is a friend of Oliver, Oliver is always a friend of David as well.
- The interface should list all members with their name, short url and the number of friends.
- Viewing an actual member should display the name, website URL, shortening, website headings, and links to their friends' pages.
- Now, looking at Alan's profile, I want to find experts in the application who write about a certain topic and are not already friends of Alan.
- Results should show the path of introduction from a person to the expert e.g. Alan wants to get introduced to someone who writes about 'Dog breeding'. Claudia's website has a heading tag "Dog breeding in Ukraine". Bart knows Alan and Claudia. An example search result would be Alan -> Bart -> Claudia ("Dog breeding in Ukraine").
- Provide a spec to test the search functionality with depth of four connections from the root. Taking the example above, it should consider Alan -> Bart -> Claudia -> Dave -> Esther.
We encourage the use of any libraries for everything except the search functionality, in which we want to see your simple algorithm approach.
- Navigable code
- Efficient algorithms
- Good separation of concerns
- Error handling
- Usage of gems/libraries
- Well commented & well organized code
- Quality over quantity (the code you write should be good)
- Small, meaningful, commits
- Tests!
- Respect for the time limit - if you are in the midst of some work that you would like to finish, but have hit the 4 hour time limit, please split additional work into a separate branch, to be evaluated separately
Fork this repository to your own git
Remember to make meaningful commits as you work
Somehow share your repository with us
Important: If there are credentials required (.env or master.key file), please email these to us directly or we can’t review your project
After you fork the repo, you can run the following commands in your terminal:
bin/setup bin/rspec
Feel free to add to add/modify existing specs. Just make sure the original request specs are still present.
Here are the required routes:
[POST] "/friendships" [POST] "/members" [GET] "/members" [GET] "/members/:member_id"
Clone the candidate's branch
Execute the following:
bin/bundle bin/rails db:drop bin/setup bin/rspec
Make a copy of the rubric and fill it in
Ensure that the requests specs are the same or improved
Add a short summary to the Rubric and share it in our engineering-coding-projects Slack channel