A .Net client for consume Etherna services API.
Etherna Services Client offers different NuGet packages with different scopes:
EthernaServicesClient.Common offers raw generated clients from open api definitions, shared by all other projects.
EthernaServicesClient.Internal exposes clients dedicated to internal "service to service" api requests.
These clients are specific to internal use, consumed only by worker applications. -
EthernaServicesClient.Internal.AspNetCore implements a registration adapter for Asp.Net Core projects, dedicated to internal Api clients.
Offers "client credentials" flow authentication, and manages access token expiration. -
EthernaServicesClient.Users exposes clients dedicated to user's api requets.
These clients are dedicated to user's applications, where user's interaction may be required. -
EthernaServicesClient.Users.Native implements a registration adapter for native user applications.
Offers user authentication with "oauth code" and "api key" flows, and manages access token expiration with etherna services clients.
If you've discovered a bug, or have an idea for a new feature, please report it to our issue manager based on Jira https://etherna.atlassian.net/projects/ECC.
For questions or problems please write an email to [email protected].