change 7-segment's number using (Mobile app or hardware buttons) and display number on both (7-segment and mobile App) in real-time, there are 3 buttons:
- Increase
- Decrease
- Reset -to reset number to zero-
project video (click here to all videos)
- 1. Python Tutorial
- 2. 30+ MicroPython Projects, Tutorials and Guides with ESP32 / ESP8266
- 3. MicroPython Basics
- 4. MicroPython tutorial for ESP8266 important tutorial
- 5. Easy Coding ESP8266 Tutorial playlist
- 6. MicroPython libraries
- 1. Getting started with MicroPython on the ESP8266 offical site
- 2. Install uPyCraft IDE : Windows PC Instructions
- 3. Flash/Upload MicroPython Firmware to ESP32 and ESP8266
- 4. Getting Started with MicroPython on ESP32 and ESP8266
- 5. MicroPython Basics: Load Files & Run Code
- 1. Interacting with GPIOs
- 2. MicroPython: Interrupts with ESP32 and ESP8266
- 3. Debouncing in interrupt with nodemcu Micropython Steps
- 4. Delay and timing
- 5. How 7 Segment Displays work
- 6. Python OOP - Python Classes and Objects
- 7. MicroPython Basics: Loading Modules
- 1. MicroPython: ESP32/ESP8266 Access Point (AP)
- 2. ESP32/ESP8266 MicroPython Web Server – Control Outputs
- 3. MicroPython: DS18B20 Temperature Sensor with ESP32 and ESP8266
- 4.MicroPython: ESP32/ESP8266 with DHT11/DHT22 Web Server (Weather Station))
- 1. ESP8266 Deep Sleep and Wake Up Sources
- 2. Power control
- 3. ESP8266 Low Power Solutions
- 4. Low Power Weather Station Datalogger using ESP8266 and BME280 with MicroPython
- 1. How to Use MIT App Invertor
- 2. ESP8266 Controlled with Android App (MIT App Inventor) using .lua
- 3. Build an ESP8266 Web Server – Code and Schematics (NodeMCU) using .lua
- 4. NodeMcu (ESP8266) Tutorial B-07: Get sensor data from NODEMCU with your Android phone
- 4. Username and Password
- 5. WiFi Manager Extension optional
- 6. Build an App with App Inventor which can display values of a connected sensor important
- 7. App Inventor 2 - ESP8266 GPIO Control with Nodemcu LUA
- 8. Reading QR code
- 9. Using MIT App Inventor Offline
- 10. Progress of App Inventor for iOS
D0 = 16
D1 = 5
D2 = 4
D3 = 0
D4 = 2
D5 = 14
D6 = 12
D7 = 13
D8 = 15
D9 = 3
D10 = 1
A0 = 0
- Built in Led On Pin D4 So I think it limit in current and the LED is active LOW
- PIN D0 is only input without PULL
- you can use Left side pin only as GPIO pins
- you have only pin A0 as Anlong pin