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For an overview of the project, please refer to the writeup (writeup/cs_421_4th_hour_project_writeup_erick2.pdf)

Code Organization

The source code is contained in cs421-project-erick2 which is a stack project. cs421-project-erick2.cabal, LICENSE, Setup.hs, and stack.yaml are used to build the project and can be ignored. src/Main.hs provides the full implementation, test/Spec.hs is the test runner which prints the results of the tests defined in test/Tests.hs.


In order to see the code in action:

  1. cd cs421-project-erick2
  2. stack init
  3. stack test
  4. stack ghci
  5. Enter commands similar to those given in the "Demo Script" below

Demo Script

let printE = putStrLn . ppExpr

Simple Lambda Calculus

\y.((\x.x)y) == \y.y

let e = (LambdaExp "y" (AppExp (LambdaExp "x" (VarExp "x")) (VarExp "y")))
printE e
evaluate e

\q.\y.((\x.(\z.zx)q)y) == \q.\y.(qy)

let e = (LambdaExp "q" (LambdaExp "y" (AppExp (LambdaExp "x" (AppExp (LambdaExp "z" (AppExp (VarExp "z") (VarExp "x"))) (VarExp "q"))) (VarExp "y"))))
printE e
evaluate e

(\a.a)(\b.b)(\\d.d) == \d.d

let e = (AppExp (AppExp (AppExp (LambdaExp "a" (VarExp "a")) (LambdaExp "b" (VarExp "b"))) ((LambdaExp "c" (AppExp (VarExp "c") (VarExp "c"))))) (LambdaExp "d" (VarExp "d")))
printE e
evaluate e

Alpha Renaming

\y.((\x.(\y.yx))y) == \y.(\y'.y'y)

let e = (LambdaExp "y" (AppExp (LambdaExp "x" (LambdaExp "y" (AppExp (VarExp "y") (VarExp "x")))) (VarExp "y")))
printE e
evaluate e

Integer Functions

def square(x): x*x; => (\x.x*x); square 11 == 121

let e = (AppExp (LambdaExp "x" (IntOpExp Times (VarExp "x") (VarExp "x"))) (IntExp 11))
printE e
evaluate e

Boolean Functions

(2 <= 3) 1 0 == 1

let e = (AppExp (AppExp (IntOpExp LessEq (IntExp 2) (IntExp 3)) (IntExp 1)) (IntExp 0))
printE e
evaluate e

(1 == 2) 1 0 == 0

let e = (AppExp (AppExp (IntOpExp Equal (IntExp 1) (IntExp 2)) (IntExp 1)) (IntExp 0))
printE e
evaluate e


(#123) / (#7) == 17

let e = (IntOpExp Divide (PromptExp (IntExp 123)) (PromptExp (IntExp 7)))
printE e
evaluate e


(\x.0)((\y.1)(Fz.2)) == 2

let e = (AppExp (LambdaExp "x" (IntExp 0)) (AppExp (LambdaExp "y" (IntExp 1)) (ControlExp "z" (IntExp 2))))
printE e
evaluate e

(\x.0)#((\y.1)(Fz.2)) == 0

let e = (AppExp (LambdaExp "x" (IntExp 0)) (PromptExp (AppExp (LambdaExp "y" (IntExp 1)) (ControlExp "z" (IntExp 2)))))
printE e
evaluate e

Complex Control and Prompt

(\a.(Fd.(\e.0)))(Fb.(\c.3 * c)(b 7)) == \e.0 env:{"a":=7, "d":=(End, kTrail:[ Fun(\c.3 * c env:{b:=( Fun(\a.(Fd.(\e.0)) env:{}, End), kTrail:[])}, End)])}

let e = (AppExp (LambdaExp "a" (ControlExp "d" (LambdaExp "e" (IntExp 0)))) (ControlExp "b" (AppExp (LambdaExp "c" (IntOpExp Times (IntExp 3) (VarExp "c"))) (AppExp (VarExp "b") (IntExp 7)))))
printE e
evaluate e

(\a.#((\b.b*2)(Fc.(c(c a)))))(Fd.(\e.e*3)(d 5)) == 60

let e = (AppExp (LambdaExp "a" (PromptExp (AppExp (LambdaExp "b" (IntOpExp Times (VarExp "b") (IntExp 2))) (ControlExp "c" (AppExp (VarExp "c") (AppExp (VarExp "c") (VarExp "a"))))))) (ControlExp "d" (AppExp (LambdaExp "e" (IntOpExp Times (VarExp "e") (IntExp 3))) (AppExp (VarExp "d") (IntExp 5)))))
printE e
evaluate e


def factorial(x): if x <= 1: return 1 return x * factorial(x - 1)

let factorial = AppExp (LambdaExp "f" (LambdaExp "x" (AppExp (AppExp (AppExp (IntOpExp LessEq (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)) (LambdaExp "" (IntExp 1))) (LambdaExp "" (IntOpExp Times (VarExp "x") (AppExp (AppExp (VarExp "f") (VarExp "f")) (IntOpExp Minus (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)))))) (IntExp 0)))) (LambdaExp "f" (LambdaExp "x" (AppExp (AppExp (AppExp (IntOpExp LessEq (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)) (LambdaExp "" (IntExp 1))) (LambdaExp "" (IntOpExp Times (VarExp "x") (AppExp (AppExp (VarExp "f") (VarExp "f")) (IntOpExp Minus (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)))))) (IntExp 0))))
printE factorial
evaluate $ AppExp factorial (IntExp 3)
evaluate $ AppExp factorial (IntExp 5)
let controlFactorial = LambdaExp "y" (PromptExp (AppExp (LambdaExp "f" (LambdaExp "x" (AppExp (AppExp (AppExp (IntOpExp LessEq (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)) (LambdaExp "" (IntExp 1))) (LambdaExp "" (IntOpExp Times (VarExp "x") (AppExp (AppExp (VarExp "f") (VarExp "f")) (IntOpExp Minus (VarExp "x") (IntExp 1)))))) (IntExp 0)))) (ControlExp "k" (AppExp (AppExp (VarExp "k") (VarExp "k")) (VarExp "y")))))
printE factorial
printE controlFactorial
evaluate $ AppExp controlFactorial (IntExp 3)
evaluate $ AppExp controlFactorial (IntExp 5)


UIUC CS 421 final project Summer 2017






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