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Sayak Mukhopadhyay edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the BGSBot wiki!

Hosted Bot

I am hosting the bot for all to use. Click here to invite the bot to your server. You must have Manage Server permission for the server.

After inviting the bot, follow the steps in order:

  1. Run command @BGSBot myguild set to register your Discord guild(fancy term for a server). The command MUST be run by someone who has the Administrator permission in Discord.
  2. Next you need to add an admin role. An admin role is able to execute all commands. Find which role you want to add as an admin role. You can add many roles as admin roles. Next you need to find the id of the admin role(s). To do that prepend the mention of your role with \. Eg. if your role is admin, you need to use \@admin to see the id.
  3. With the role id, run the command @BGSBot adminroles add <id>. Replace <id> with the role found in the previous step. The command MUST be run by someone who has the Administrator permission in Discord.
  4. Now, add a BGS Manager role. A BGS Manager would be able to execute commands related to BGS but not the bot's administrative commands. Run the command @BGSBot bgsrole set <id>. You need to have an admin role that you set in the previous step to execute this command. Also, there can be only 1 role for BGS Manager.
  5. Optionally, set up a BGS Channel using the command @BGSBot bgschannel set <id>. Replace <id> with the channel id that you want to convert to a BGS reporting channel. BGS Reporting function coming soonTM.
  6. Optionally, set up forbidden roles. Users having these roles won't be able to execute any command even if they have admin roles or bgs manager roles. Run the command @BGSBot forbiddenroles add <id>. You can add as many roles as you like.

This concludes the set up of the bot.

Self Hosting

Coming SoonTM

Using the bot

The commands that the bot has currently are:

  1. @BGSBot factionstatus get <faction name in lower case>
  2. @BGSBot systemstatus get <system name in lower case>

To create BGS Reports you need to monitor factions and systems. A faction or a system can be monitored as primary or not. Primary factions would be having detailed data while non primary ones would be having concise ones in a compact format. Only primary monitored systems is currently available in BGS reports.

To monitor a faction, command using:

  1. @BGSBot monitorfactions add <factionname>
  2. @BGSBot monitorfactions addprimary <factionname>

To monitor a system, command using:

  1. @BGSBot monitorsystems add <systemname>
  2. @BGSBot monitorsystems addprimary <systemname>

To generate a report type: @BGSBot bgsreport get

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