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Elikill58 edited this page May 21, 2024 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Negativity wiki!

What is Negativity ?

It's an anticheat. Its objective is to find cheaters, and ban them.

A lot of things are configurable, and detections are improved continuously.

Why does Negativity exist ?

Cheaters are playing on many servers every day. When working on my minecraft server, I was searching for a cheat detector able to find and ban all cheaters, but there wasn't a lot of good anticheats so I created my own, Negativity.

How are detection working ?

Before adding a detection, i'm testing the behaviour of the player. When I detect something special, I add a detection for it.

Which cheats are detected ?

We have a list of all detected cheats here, with a description explaining what the cheat it covers does.

I just downloaded it. What must I to configure ?

Firstly, thank you for download. The configuration file can be found at the default location for the platform you are using (plugins/Negativity/config.yml for Spigot).

We recommend you to read it completely and edit everything you want. Make sure to reload or restart your server afterwards.

I see a lot of permissions, I don't understand how it works, HELP !

Read the Permissions page.

I'm on sponge, and wtf ?

Yes, the Sponge Ore is old. But it's for the free version (v1). Because:

  • Too few people on sponge. There is only 2 AntiCheat, Guardian and my own. So, I'm 1st between 2, and the second isn't active since 2018...
  • The v2 (premium) support Sponge. Also, it also has support for Sponge API 8, API 9 etc...

Why ? How that's possible ?

The complete system have been changed with v2. The objective is to have a common area which is run by the actual platform, that can be spigot, sponge 7, sponge 8, bungee etc... So we just have to change one things to fix all platforms (contrary to v1 where I should change everywhere).

Conclusion: If you are on sponge, the premium version is waiting for you and already supported.

Everything works !

That's cool !

How can I support you ?

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