Hello, if you are going to dive into deep learning, I would suggest that you first take a look at the Resources section that I have prepared for you. And always remember why you started learning machine learning.
Rustam_Z🚀, 18 October 2020
deeplearning.ai Deep Learning Specialization
Architecture of Neural Network
Logistic Regression
Cost function, Forward propagation, Backpropagation, Gradient descent
Artificial Neural Network
Logistic Regression vs NN, Activation fanctions, L-layer NN
Train/dev/test sets
Regularization, dropout technique, normalizing inputs, gradient checking
Optimization algos (mini-batch GD, GD with momentum, RMS, Adam optimization)
Xavier/He initialization
Hyperparameters tuning (logarithmic scale), batch normalization
Multiclass classification, TensorFlow introduction
How to build a successful machine learning projects
How to prioritize the problem
ML strategy (satisficing & optimizing metrics)
Choose a correct train/dev/test split of your dataset
Human-level performance (avoidable bias)
Error Analysis
Mismatched training and dev/test set
Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep convolutional models: case studies
Object detection
Special applications: Face recognition & Neural style transfer
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), natural language processing (NLP)
The list of things you need for this particular specialization
In-depth deeplearning.ai Specialization Review, Daniel describes all about this specialization, continuation is here
TA Deep Learning Notes, haven't read actually
TensorFlow Turorial, what is the tensor?
Krish Naik's complete DL course, if you get stuck and don't understand the concepts
Stanford Online, awesome lectures by Andrew Ng at Stanford
Daniel's recommendation - https://youtu.be/7R08MPXxiFQ
Python for Data Analysis 2nd edition
Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow 2nd edition
The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book Andriy Burkov
Deep Learning, deeplearningbook.org, "Written by three experts in the field, Deep Learning is the only comprehensive book on the subject." —Elon Musk
Machine Learning Engineering Andriy Burkov
Podcast with Andrew Ng about getting started in Deep Learning: https://youtu.be/1k37OcjH7BM
Andrew Ng Machine Learning Career Advice: https://youtu.be/hkagmGAu74Y
Andrew Ng - Career Advice/Reading Research Papers: https://youtu.be/733m6qBH-jI