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Uberspace webhook server

Trigger shell commands via HTTP requests. Not limited to use at uberspace.


  1. Install dependencies npm install
  2. Rename example-config.js to config.js
  3. Rename example-hooks.js to hooks.js
  4. Adapt config to your needs
  5. Start server npm start

Create hooks

Create hooks by adding them to the hooks.js

'myhook': {
  script: './'

The script is executed on POST /hook/myhook

Config - Options

Property Description
port Port the server should listen on e.g. 1337
secret String that needs to be sent with each request as query-param

Trigger webhook

Assuming your webhook server runs on localhost:1337

POST http://localhost:1337/hook/myhook?secret=shhhhh


Status Description Response
200 OK Shell command was executed sccessfully {executed: true, stdout: <output_of_shell>, stderr: <err_output_of_shell>}
404 NOT FOUND Hook was not specified in hooks.js or secret was wrong {executed: false, error: 'Not found'}
404 NOT FOUND Request URL did not match any request handlers {executed: false, error: 'Not found'}
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Script execution failed {executed: false, error: <err_from_child_process>, stdout: <output_of_shell>, stderr: <err_from_script>}

Running on Uberspace

  • See Uberspace specific instructions on how to run this server as a service here.