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Fast Falsification of Hybrid Systems using Probabilistically Adaptive Input


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Fast Falsification with Adaptive Inputs

FalStar is a tool for the falsification of hybrid systems. It takes as an input a model (currently: Simulink) and a configuration file and tries to come up with an input signal such that the output signal produced by the model falsifies given requirements.


  • Java 1.8, Scala 2.12 (compile time only)
  • Matlab (tested different versions after R2017)

Contact: gidonernst (*)

  • Gidon Ernst, Sean Sedwards, Zhenya Zhang, Ichiro Hasuo: Fast Falsification of Hybrid Systems using Probabilistically Adaptive Input, QEST 2019, Preprint:

  • Gidon Ernst, Sean Sedwards, Zhenya Zhang, and Ichiro Hasuo: Falsification of hybrid systems using adaptive probabilistic search, Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulations, 2021


Determine MATLAB path


Compile falstar.jar

make compile

Test whether everything worked

./ # prints usage instructions
make test # run a simple test case

This falsifies a Simulink model of an automatic transmission against specification always_[0,30] speed < 120 and displays various input and output signals. Here's the output:

trial 1/1
property always_[0.0, 30.0] speed < 120.0
algorithm adaptive
  control points: 2 2 3 3 3 4
  exploration ratio: 0.25
  budget: 100
starting matlab ... connected (4s)
initializing 'automatic_transmission' ... done (17s)

  t__ = [0.0; 10.0; 25.0; 30.0]
  u__ = [75.0 0.0; 100.0 0.0; 37.5 243.75; 37.5 243.75]
falsified with robustness -6.849703872580591

  simulations 6
  total time  29s
  peak memory 37111 kb


If you're tired of waiting for Matlab to initialize on every trial, you can keep an active instance running. Be aware that this caches initialized models as well, so if you change those, you need to restart the session. It's a simple command line interface to Matlab (currently without error handling, and it will terminate if you type in an invalid command).


Simulink model set up

Simulink models are accessed through their input and output ports and through the Matlab function sim. The model must currently be prepared for use as follows

  • In the model configuration parameter setup, set the input to [t__, u__]. This will cause the simulation to read these two variables off the workspace and interpret them as the simulation input. t__ is a column matrix of time points and u__ provides the corresponding input vectors in each row for the respective time points (see an example above). The falsification tool provides these variables to the Matlab simulation engine in this form.
  • The output signal should be recorded to tout and yout (which are the default settings).
  • Make sure the output signal is not truncated
  • Make sure that the interpolation settings on the input ports are as desired, for piecewise constant inputs disable interpolation.

Command line options

usage: falstar [-dv] file_1 ... file_n
  -d    dummy run, parse and validate configuration only
  -v    be more verbose

In particular, the -v flag shows all interaction with the Matlab engine.

Configuration file syntax

The syntax is S-expression based. Line comments are introduced with ;.

FalStar maintains a context, consisting of

  • a currently selected system on which it operates
  • a currently selected falsification method

relative to which formulas are interpreted (e.g., parameter and input/output signal names). Similar to SMT-LIB, contexts can be saved and restored with


The configuration file can be composed of multiple parts, where <path> is a doubly-quoted path that is interpreted relative to the working directory of FalStar:

(include <path>)

The path is relatve to the inluding file, except when it starts with '.' or with '/' then it is used as given.

System declarations (see below) and requirements for some models are in the models subfolder, ready to be used.

Selecting a system model

See src/resource/configuration/test.cfg for an example. Currently supported system types: simulink and matlab.

(define-system <identifier>
    ; two alternative ways to set up systems
    (simulink <path> [<load>])
    (matlab   <name> <path> <init> <run>)

    ; common configuration options
  	(parameters p1 ... pk)
  	(inputs     i1 ... in)
  	(outputs    o1 ... om)

    ; valid input ranges
  	(constant   pi <num>)
  	(constant   pi <num> <num>)
  	(constant   ij <num>)
  	(constant   ij <num> <num>)
  	(piecewise-constant ij <num> <num>) 

A system definition comprises of a declaration of how the simulation is executed, by a simulink or matlab clause, followed by a declaration of the system's interface in terms of parameters, input, and output ports; and a declaration of valid ranges reps. values for these which can later be overriden if desired

System Type: simulink

A simulink system is declared by

(simulink <path> [<load>])

where <path> must point to a .mdl or .slx file. An optional list <load> of .m files or .mdl files can be specified. The initialization sequence runs

addpath(<dir>)        % where <dir> is the directory containing <path>
load_system(<name>)   % where <name> is the file name stem (without suffix)

<load>                % execute .m files without suffix
load(<load>)          % load .mat files

and each simulation is executed with the sim function, where the stopping time and the external inputs are explicitly given by Falstar (i.e., those defined in the model are overriden).

System Type: Matlab

A system scripted in Matlab is declared by

(matlab <name> <path> <init> <run>)

where <name> is an arbitrary identifier (implicit for Simulink systems from the file name), <path> is the base path where scripts are located, and <init> and <run> are two Matlab functions used to initialize the system and run simulations respectively.

Falstar executes initially


and for each simulation

<run>(p, u, T)

where p is an array of values for the parameters, u is a time-varying input signal, and T is the stopping time. The expected result is a pair [tout, yout] describing the output trace, in the same format as .tout and .yout from the Array format specified for Simulink systems.

Interface Description

The interface description consists of

  • Parameters p1, ..., pk, which are names of MATLAB variables that will be initialized by FalStar
  • Inputs i1, ..., in, which give names to top-level input ports of the Simulink system (In blocks), in order of their numbers in Simulink (the names attached to the ports in the model are ignored)
  • Outputs o1, ..., om, analogously for the output ports (Out blocks)

Definining Input Ranges

The following lines declare the ranges of parameters and inputs, one statement for each.

  • Patamerets pi can be either a fixed constant value or a range, from which the value is chosen during falsification.
  • Inputs ii can be either a fixed value, a constant input signal, or a piecewise constant input signal, again with a range of values in the latter two cases. Note that the time intervals for which these are held constant depends on the configuration of the falsification solver.

Selecting a System

More than one system can be defined within a Falstar script. You can pick the system that is going to be used for the subsequent falsification attempts or for validation:

(select-system <identifier>

where <identifier> refers to a previously declared system, and <overrides> are (constant ...) or (piecewise-constant ...) definitions that can be used to override some of the settings from the system declaration. This comes in handy if a system has several modes of operation (like the Powertrain model).

Terms and Formulas

May refer to signal names (defined by the current model)

Arithmetic operators: < > <= >= == != + - * / abs in
Logical connectives: ! => || && true false not implies and or always eventually
For example

  • (abs (* 1.5 x)) denotes the absolute value of 1.5 x where x is a signal name
  • (in x a b) = (and (<= a x) (<= x b)) asserts that x lies in the range [a,b]
  • (always (10 30) phi) asserts that subformula phi holds over time interval [10,30]


Abbreviations, which are really just macros, can be defined as

(define <id> <S-Expr>)

These are expanded immediately when encountered in certain places, but interpreted only alongside the surrounding context. Definitions are expanded in formulas and almost in all places where numbers are expected.


First, a falsification method has to be selected. Currently the following are supported

  • Random sampling (set-solver random <cp> <max-iter>), where <cp> denotes the number of control points/segments of piecewise constant input signals and and <max-iter> is the upper bound of iterations/simulations to run

  • Adaptive probabilistic search (set-solver adaptive (<cp1> <cp2> ...) <exploration> <max-iter>), where <cp1>, <cp2>, ... declares an (increasing) sequence of granularity levels with the corresponding number of control points, <exploration> is the exploration ratio (a good value is 0.25) and <max-iter> is the maximum number of iterations

Moreover, the following bridge might still work (untested):

  • Breach (<set-solver breach <cp> <opt> <max-iter>) selects falsification by Breach with <cp> control points, optimization method <opt> (from cmaes, global_nelder_mead, ...)

Requirements can be falsified by

(falsify <formula1> <formula2> ...)

Results are logged to in .csv format if specified (in double quotes, relative to the current file FalStar). The log file collects entries for each individual falsification trial, whereas the report groups them together (cf. (set-repeat _) below) with aggregated information on number of simulations, running time, and success rate.

(set-log    <path>)
(set-report <path>)

Usually, log and report are written only at the end, but they can be flushed eagerly with (flush-log), which reads in any previous values stored in that file and integrates the new results. It is important to note that different solvers produce different columns in the table, such that this merging is necessary.

The initial random seed can be specified by

(set-seed <number>)

To request each falsification trial (falsify ... ) to be repeated multiple times (with different seeds)

(set-repeat <num>)

Validation Scripts

The general procedure for validation is described separately in file In order to make use of this feature, one has to provide particular scripts as follows. First, set up where the results should be stored, in a similar format to falsification runs. Both files will be in .csv format, existing files with results are extended.

(set-log    <path>)
(set-report <path>)

In order to validate, one can give the path to a .csv file simply by

(validate <path>)

This assumes that all models referred to by this <path> in terms of their mnenonic codes have been set up properly in the script before this line.


Fast Falsification of Hybrid Systems using Probabilistically Adaptive Input







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