- Visit http://www.vpnbook.com/freevpn
- Download a Certificate Bundle Under the Free OpenVPN
- In the downloaded certificate bundle,you'll find .ovpn files
- Open it in the text editor
- Copy and send it to your mobile using mail or someother means
- Paste it in the input box
- Open the context menu in android Choose "Connect VPN" if it asks username & password Under the Free OpenVPN in http://www.vpnbook.com/freevpn
You can use any other OpenVPN service the thing is you have to paste the contents of ovpn file in input box and Choose Connect VPN
you can try a OpenVPN server's ovpn from http://www.vpngate.net/en/ you don't need to enter username and password and all.
There you go ! VPN connection will get established.
To clarify any doubts mail me.