A personal portfolio / resume website.
- rewrite with a non-Node.js static site generator
- use Tailwind CSS instead of Google Material
- Homebrew
- hugo (v0.97.3)
- Node.js w/ npm (v14+) 😦
- Google Fonts Roboto, Roboto Slab, Source Sans Pro
brew install hugo
hugo server -D
- hugo build
rm -rf public/*
npm install
hugo -D
- hugo build (prod)
rm -rf public/*
npm install
HUGO_BASEURL=https://dreadlabs.de/ hugo -D
- tailwind build (generated css + asset references etc)
npx tailwindcss -i ./assets/main.css -o ./public/main.css [--minify]
- run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up
The following tailwindcss selectors are used at jump anchors:
target:before:block target:before:content-[''] target:before:h-16 target:before:-mt-16
The header navbar has a height of 64px. The implemented solution was inspired by this answer at StackOverflow.
In dependency of the context the image is used, the following guide should help to generate the best list of images for a responsive user experience:
- observe how much "slot" width for the image will be available in the small (sm), medium (md) and large (lg) breakpoints
- define a sensible set of images for this ranges; keep an eye upon "lean period" ranges (e.g. up until reaching the medium breakpoint)
- if specific (grid-) layouts are applied for each breakpoint, specify their
approximate view port width in the "sizes" attribute of the
<img />
tag - use
media condition and start with greatest (large) breakpoint from top to bottom - default to
as the very lastsizes
value as the default for mobile targeted environments
Read this article, if you feel the need to refresh your knowledge about responsive images.
As the CDN usage for tailwind and daisyUI is not recommended for production usage, tailwindcss and daisyUI will be used via local dev env installation. These are the steps performed to migrate from CDN:
> npm install -D tailwindcss
> du -sh node_modules/
< 10M node_modules/
> npx tailwindcss init
# ...configuration...
> npm i -D daisyui
> du -sh node_modules/
< 11M node_modules/
This GitHub issue explains,
why the neutral
color palette entry of tailwindcss is not available if daisyUI
is in use.
Therefore, the following daisyUI color palette replacements where chosen: (tailwindcss -> daisyUi)
This issue was determined, when building the production CSS assets and the
tailwindcss *-neutral-*
styles weren't applied.
The following inline event handler is added to all links in the drawer menu which point to anchors on the same page:
As the daisyUI drawer does not have any API to accomplish this, this approach seems to be the most pragmatic one.
Currently, a wave of cease-and-desist letters is rolling over Germany. This may affect website providers when loading Google Fonts from Google servers. To be spared from this, the fonts and stylesheets were compiled and generated using google-webfonts-helper and are included in the VCS of this project.
The font packages are compiled by using the latin charset only. The used styles are constrained to the regular, italic, 700 and 700italic if available. For CSS generation the "Best Support" option was used.
- integrate ServiceWorker (see https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox)
- re-add
- use Web Font Loader
- use zopfli / gzip compression on assets
- implement blurred / placeholder and lazy loading for images (above the fold)