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Repository files navigation


Repository management service for Github repositories - Frontend.

Project Deploy

Deploy link: Vercel

How to run this project

In order to run this project, install the dependencies and then run the Vite:

In the project root, use the following commands in a row.

npm install
npm run dev

How to use this project

  • Register

In order to access the whole features of this project, first you have to create your account in the Register page. The registration form is very simple, just make sure your password length is equal or greater than 6 characters. The photo link is optional.


  • Login

After the registration, you will be able to login into your account in the Login page.


  • Update profile

After making the Login, you will be able to update and/or delete your profile in the new button that will appear in your Login page.


  • Repositories

In order to add new notes, first search for the username of the repository owner in the Repositories page, and then add a note vinculated to the repository. If the repository list if too large, you can search for repositories by name in the second form field.


  • Notes

After adding the notes in the Repositories page, your notes must be appearing in the Notes page, where you will be able to view, access their vinculated repository, edit and delete then.


  • Security keys

It is also possible to recover your password if you forget it. In order to unlock this feature, first you have to create 3 security keys with their references clicking in the button Enable extra security.


  • Password recovery

Given that you have the security keys vinculated to your profile, now you can recover your password by clicking the corresponding button in the Login page.


Project creator

Douglas Volcato - Github - LinkedIn