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Angular module for working with viewport


See here:


Load module and save in the package.json
npm i dok-ng-viewport-in-action

Import module into module of your app like this:

    imports: [DokNgViewportInActionModule.forRoot()],

And use in the template of component:

<div dokNgViewportInAction classes="slide-in_on"></div>

Contain of module

Attributive directive dokNgViewportInAction

Purpose: use for set any css classes for html-element or run any function by entering element into viewport.
Possible options:

  • classes - Class names which will be setup for element when it will in the viewport;
  • initTimeout - Timeout for initialization;
  • strictTimeout - Timeout for class setup;
  • imgToLoad - Array of images with attribute [data-src] which loading must be first;
  • distance - Distance from bottom edge to viewport when need setup classes;
  • viewportInActionDebug - Debug in the console;
  • viewportInActionFn - Function which will be run when classes setups.

Useful service ViewportInActionService

Public methods:

  • getDispatchEvent() - Returns observable with force recalculate events;
  • getEnableStatus() - Returns state of service enable or disable (true/false);
  • setEnableStatus() - Method for service enable or disable;
  • forceDispatch() - Runs check setup classes;
  • resetAnimationInContainer() - Rerun animations into html-container;
  • checkIsInViewport() - Method detect when element in the viewport.

More examples

Usage module configuration

You can use default options for directive by forRoot like this:

// AoT requires an exported function for factories
export function ViewportInActionCustomFn() {
	console.log('>>> custom function for entry element into viewport');

    imports: [
            distance: 100,
            debug: true,
            customFn: ViewportInActionCustomFn,

Any argument of options are not required but in example you can see all of these.