Credit card widget, a beautiful election for adding cards to your app, can be used as a good complement for store apps, gives a minimalist style.
This package uses 2 extern dependencies:
- flare_flutter : any
- credit_card_number_validator: ^1.0.4
- packages/credit_card_minimalist/cardIcons/visa.flr
- packages/credit_card_minimalist/cardIcons/mastercard.flr
- packages/credit_card_minimalist/cardIcons/amex.flr
- packages/credit_card_minimalist/cardIcons/credit_card.flr
- packages/credit_card_minimalist/cardIcons/PayPal.flr
- packages/credit_card_minimalist/cardIcons/Prepay.flr
** Now you can put 'es' or 'en' in your CreditCard() or CreditForm() language **
For using this widget we need to have a CreditCardInfo component created like in the example
CreditCardInfo card = new CreditCardInfo(
color: mainBlack,
id: 1,
cardHoldname: "User Name",
creditNumber: "4040 5050 4400 4040",
cvv: "123",
expiryDate: "12/22",
type: 1, //1: Mastercard, 2 Visa,3 Mastercard
Or an empty card
CreditCardInfo card = new CreditCardInfo.empty();
It also can be a prepay card
CreditCardInfo card = new CreditCardInfo(
color: mainblack,
id: 1,
cardHoldname: "Prepay Card",
credit: "\$50.0",
cardtype: CardType.prepay,
expiryDate: "02/20"
This isnt just a simple class, this is a ChangeNotifier Class, which means we are creating a Provider for our card, this Provider help us to change at realtime the information inside our CreditCard Widget. In order to use this in correct way, we have to make the parent of this Widget be a ChangeNotifierProvider, in this way, all children of this will now absorb information and will have complete control.
Then we need to create a CreditCard widget for displaying this info (Remember using notifier):
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: card,
child: CreditCard(
creditCardInfo: card,
onChangeCard(CreditCardInfo info) {
//Do whatever you want to new information of card
//language: 'en'
To create new cards we can use a simple button to trigger a showDialog, and this will push us to a new screen or use a Navigator.pop and call CreditForm widget inside a new Screen, up to your taste.
child: Text("Press me"),
CreditCardInfo card = new CreditCardInfo.empty();
context: context,
child: ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: card,
child: CreditForm(
//Method to update card object
(info) {
card = info;
//Method to discard any changes if card was created
(info) {
card = null;
language: 'en'
//values if we want to create a prepay card
validateCode: (String code){
/*Validate code here*/
codeLength: 12
child: Text("Press me"),
CreditCardInfo card = new CreditCardInfo.empty();
Navigator.of(context).pushNamed("/createCard"), {card});
// In other screen
return ChangeNotifierProvider.value(
value: card,
child: CreditForm(
//Method to update card object
(info) {
card = info;
//Method to discard any changes if card was created
(info) {
card = null;
//language: 'en'
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