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Botterfly is currently not maintained and is no longer availible for public use. Discord's API is ever changing and I don't have the time to keep up with it. If you would like to contribute to this project, please feel free to fork it and make a pull request.


All commands are slash commands and can be found by typing / in the chat. Typing /help will show a list of all commands and their usage.

Account Commands

  • /start - Create a new account. Run this command before any other commands.
  • /points - Check your current points.
  • /leaderboard - See the top users and their points.
  • /income - Claim free points every 30 minutes.
  • /give - Give points to another user.

Game Commands

  • /trivia - Start a trivia game. Win points by answering questions correctly.
  • /roulette - Wager points on a game of roulette.
  • /slots - Wager points on a game of 3 column slots.
  • /roll - Roll dice in the format #d# (ex. 1d6).

API Commands

  • /reddit - Get a random post from the specified subreddit.
  • /weather - Get the current weather for the specified city.
  • /news - Get a trending news article from the specified country.

Utility Commands

  • /help - Show a list of all commands.
  • /info - Show information about the bot.
  • /invite - Get an invite link for the bot.
  • /ping - Check the bot's latency.


This project was originally created in 2018 as a way to learn Python and as such it was made with I have since rewritten it in Discord.js due to it's more active development and better documentation. The original repo can be found here: DavisStanko/Discord-Bot


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 GNU General Public License - see the file for details.