A fast photo browser written in python.
- The ui provide 3 hotspots to show controls on mouse hover:
- top of the window to show the control buttons
- right to show the thumbnails in the current directory
- left to show the directory tree
- Right mouse button on the photo to toggle the visibility of the tree and the thumbnails
- Mouse wheel to change zoom
- Drag the image to pan around
- Python 2.7 or higher
- Python-EFL 1.14 or higher
- python modules: efl, xdg
- For system-wide installation (needs administrator privileges):
(sudo) python setup.py install
- For user installation:
python setup.py install --user
- To install for different version of python:
pythonX setup.py install
- Install with a custom prefix:
python setup.py install --prefix=/MY_PREFIX
- To create distribution packages:
python setup.py sdist
GNU General Public License v3 - see COPYING