The Movies App serves as a working model for a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) project. It demonstrates the effective utilization of Kotlin's capabilities, showcasing the power of creating cross-platform applications from a single source code through the use of Jetpack Compose Multiplatform.
The Movies App comes with several preconfigured features to accelerate your development process:
- Version Catalogs
- Compose Multiplatform
- Koin for dependency injection
- Ktor for networking
- BuildKonfig embedding values from gradle file
- Voyger for screen
- Kotlin serialization
- Moko resource for shared string resources, fonts and images
- Open this directory in Android Studio.
- Wait for gradle to sync dependencies.
- Please add following values to your local properties file:
- Please replace '{$value}' to your original bearer token which you ll get it by singing up
- Build & run the app.