For getting started, you can follow this tutorial:
This package is the prototype interface between triggeralgs ( and appfwk ( This is where the queues, DAQModule and their are implemented.
To install you need to first have the application framework, you can find instructions here:
Then, you need to build triggeralgs, which is a dependency of this package.
With both appfwk and triggeralgs installed, go to "MyTopDir/sourcecode", under appfwk installation and clone this directory:
git clone
Before installing it, you must tell the compiler where "triggeralgs" was installed:
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/area/where/triggerals/is/installed:${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}
Now you are ready to install it: --install
Hopefully, you didn't get any errors and you now have everything compiled.
Log in on a fresh shell and execute:
cd /area/where/daq/is/installed/
source daq-buildtools/
cd MyTopDir
daq_application -c sourcecode/triggermodules/schema/triggermodules-RandomTriggerPrimitive-app.json
What actually happens behind the scene is the following:
- Queues are setup, these queues are Multiple Producer - Multiple Consumer (MPMC). They hold collections of objects that are needed for making trigger candidates.
- DAQModule as setup, these are the stuff that "do the work". They produce TPs, TAs and TCs. Each have at least 2 threads, one which is responsible to receive the commands and another one that does the job.
- Each of the DAQModule are assigned input or output queue, which they should read from and/or write to.