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Releases: DGLE-HQ/DGLE

DGLE Windows SDK v2:0.3.1 (hotfix)

16 Nov 14:39
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This release fixes most critical issues found and added support for some required features like MP3 playback support. Added official C#, Delphi and Free Pascal headers and few samples.

[ * ] - bugfix or minor enhancement
[!*!] - critical bugfix or major enhancement
[ + ] - new feature added
[!+!] - new major feature added
[ - ] - removed

[!+!] Plugin with MP3 music support.
[ + ] Support for Free Pascal.
[ + ] Method Decompose of TMatrix4x4.
[ + ] Ability to set bitmap font texture filtering through E_BITMAP_FONT_LOAD_FLAGS flags.
[ * ] FontTool generated corrupted bitmap font files.
[ * ] Fixed TGA loader issue that cause image flipping in some cases.
[ * ] Fixed issue with wrong iDeltaWheel value for mouse wheel.
[ * ] Fixed error in MatrixBillboard method.
[ * ] Now vertices color order for Render2D::DrawLine is correct.
[ * ] Wrong behavior after drag mouse outside engines window (in windowed mode only).
[ * ] Now Render2D::CullBoundingBox with camera set and zero angle is working as expected.
[ * ] Corrected wrong mouse area at start when using ICF_EXCLUSIVE input configuration flag.
[ * ] Method Free of IFile caused crash in Delphi.
[ * ] Mouse wheel was not captured when engine renders to custom window.

DGLE Windows SDK v2:0.3.0 (initial release)

16 Nov 14:16
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Initial release on GitHub and also fresh project start after a long pause.
Major engine reengineering. Almost everything was rewritten from scratch.
A lot of refactoring was made for those parts which were not been rewritten.
Engine API was improved a lot of new methods were added and innumerable minor fixes were made.
Engine stability and reliability was strongly increased.
For now engine and toolset are fully functional only under Windows.
Current codebase is a great basis for further approach.

[ * ] - bugfix or minor enhancement
[!*!] - critical bugfix or major enhancement
[ + ] - new feature added
[!+!] - new major feature added
[ - ] - removed

[!+!] Multi render support and totally new core rendering subsystem with flexible and fast architecture (API is presented in "DGLE_CoreRenderer.h"). Now legacy OpenGL implementation is presented.
[!+!] Brand new cross platform basic sound subsystem based on custom software sound mixer with thin platform dependent layer.
[!+!] Brand new GTK# GUI components and engine toolset including font generator, universal packager (working with any virtual file system supported by engine) and color picker.
[!+!] Engine examples are totally remade (9 brand new examples added).
[!+!] A lot of various console commands for debugging and profiling were added.
[!!] Isolation of platform depended code. Thin abstraction layer was created.
!] Render 3D subsystem (including IRender3D, IMesh, IModel, ILight and IMaterial) was rewritten, API was greatly improved.
[!*!] Render 2D subsystem (including IRender2D, ITexture and IBitmapFont) was improved, performance was increased, and API was modified.
[ + ] Ability to load custom splash window picture.
[ + ] Some mathematical routines for engine basic structures in "DGLE_Types.h".
[ + ] Some additional helper methods and getters to IRender2D, ITexture, IBitmapFont and other engine objects interfaces.
[ + ] CullBoundingBox, ResolutionCorrectToAbsolute and AbsoluteToResolutionCorrect, ProjectScreenToCamera and UnprojectCameraToScreen method to IRender2D. Also some advanced Draw, DrawBuffer and DrawBuffer3D methods for experienced users were added.
[ + ] GetResourceByName, GetResourceByIndex, GetResourcesCount and GetResourceName methods to IResourceManager interface.
[ + ] IEngineCallback interface allows to register callback classes in engine.
[ + ] Joysticks and gamepads support.
[ + ] Console commands for DCP virtual filesystem. Ability to manage packages via API and console (console commands starts with "dcp_").
[ + ] Some functions for fundamental engine interface IDGLE_Base were added to give more flexibility for extending interfaces via extra commands.
[ + ] IEvGoFullScreen event to hook engine fullscreen switch and GetDesktopResolution method to get current desktop resolution.
[ + ] IMesh methods to recalculate normals, bounds and tangent space. Also added method to optimize mesh geometry and transform geometry by matrix.
[ + ] Console utility to run engine from command promt, useful for automatisation.
[ + ] GetLastUpdateDeltaTime and GetElapsedTime IEngineCore methods. Also improved internal engine timings.
[ + ] Ability to change logic of calling update routine by using EIF_ENABLE_PER_FRAME_UPDATE and EIF_ENABLE_FLOATING_UPDATE flags.
[ + ] EF_TILE_TEXTURE flag for IRender2D texture rendering ruitines.
[ * ] Engine and console windows behavior was improved. Also Alt-Enter combination works much better.
[ * ] Render2D batching routine was improved, also added ability for local bathing (BeginBatch and EndBatch IRender2D methods).
[ * ] Now engine differs left and right Ctrl, Alt and Shift.
[ * ] Improved DMD file format up to version 3.1, backward compatibility was dropped.
[ * ] Improved 3ds Max export script and some bugfixes.
[ - ] Some old stuff (like browsers plugins) was dropped off. Some will return after reengineering.
[ - ] No editors and almost no 3D in this version, also no third-party plugins. Functionallity will start to return in nearest next releases.

And really much much more!