I am currently a CS student interested in storage and networking system and with a great passion for NixOS and Emacs.
- Commonly Used Languages: TypeScript, Rust, Python, Go, C++/C
- Operating Systems: NixOS
- Window Managers: Sway
- Editors: Emacs, Helix, VSCode
- Frontend Frameworks: React/Preact, Vue
- nur-packages: My personal NUR with packages, modules, and library.
- transformfs: A read-only FUSE filesystem to transform the content/name of files with Lua
- snapshotfs: A FUSE-based read-only filesystem to provide a snapshot view (tar archives) of directories or files without actually creating the archives
- rangefs: A FUSE-based filesystem to map ranges in file to individual files.
- LFReader: A self-hosted Local-first Feed Reader written in Python and Preact/React.
- taskwarrior-webui: Self-hosted Responsive Web UI for Taskwarrior based on Vue.js and Koa.js
- vuetify-markdown-editor: A Vue.js Component for editing and previewing markdown using Vuetify.js
- pandoc-include: A pandoc filter to allow file and header inclusion
- batch-cmd: Executing multiple commands in batches concurrently
- i3-focus-group: Create a group for i3/sway containers to easily switch focus between
- vscode-modal-editor: Customizable extension to turn VS Code into a modal editor
- modaled: Build your own minor modes for modal editing in Emacs
- org-moderncv: Org exporter for curriculum vitae or cover letter using moderncv
- chord-dnt: A DHT (distributed hash table) implementation in Rust based on Chord with high performance and data replication
- ThssDB: A SQL database written in Java from scratch for a database course
- kv-lsmt: A fast KV store inspired by LSM Tree
- Email: DCsunset [at] protonmail [dot] com
- PGP Key: FFE603886300D2730CF4B76A49B24078920BB897