This is my collection of AutoHotKey (AHK) scripts. For more information on AHK see the AutoHotKey website.
- COD-Toolbox.ahk - A script by zygorator for automating some things in Call of Duty games
- DisableTouchPad.ahk - For use on laptops with a touchpad, it will disable the touchpad for 0.5sec after you type any key. Great if, like me, you accidentally touch it while typing.
- MouseClicker.ahk - Used to automate long repetitive actions, e.g. crafting in WoW
- PushToTalk.ahk - Push the button to open the mic, release it to mute.
- ResizeWindow.ahk - Quick little hack script for sizing windows to certain sizes.
- Shortcuts.ahk - My main personal scripts file. Contains all kind of little shortcuts I use every day.
- SoundCardAnalysis.ahk - Displays your sound capabilities, devices, etc. (From the AHK SoundSet documentation)
- SpamButton.ahk - Used for games like WoW, to spam the main action bar buttons 10 times per second
- ToggleMic.ahk - Toggles the mic mute when mouse button 4 is pressed.
- ZoomFire.ahk - A script by me for combining aim & fire in Call of Duty games
Disclaimer: I did not write all these scripts. Many were collected from forum posts or other sources and are simply here so I don't lose them.