A simple library for creating lexers and PEG parsers.
pip install parsergen
Tokens have different regular expressions. They can also have modifier functions, for example the INT
tokens get their values turned into an int
(note that changing the value property of a token to a non-string value may cause errors in some cases).
from parsergen import *
class CalcLexer(Lexer):
@token(r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+", r"[0-9]+")
def INT(self, t):
if t.value.startswith("0x"):
t.value = int(t.value[2:], base=16)
t.value = int(t.value)
return t
ADD = r"\+"
SUB = r"\-"
POW = r"\*\*" # must be first, as is longer than 'MUL' token!
MUL = r"\*"
DIV = r"\/"
SET = r"set"
TO = r"to"
ID = r"[A-Za-z_]+"
LPAREN = r"\("
RPAREN = r"\)"
ignore = " \t"
ignore_comment = r"\#.*"
The Lexer, by default knows nothing about line numbers. You have to tell it what to do.
class MyLexer(Lexer):
def NEWLINE(self, t):
self.lineno += len(t.value)
self.column = 0
return t
The grammar rules currently support all of the PEG parsing syntax.
The simple calculator described implementes grammar similar to the rules seen here
See example_calc.py
and example.py
for more examples, or look at the source code.
This module can also be used to generate parsers. This is a more advanced use, the generated parser's grammar can even include left recursion!
By using slightly more advanced grammar expressions, we can develop the grammar rules for a simple calculator,
@class_name = 'CalcParser'
expr : left=expr ADD right=term { left + right };
: left=expr SUB right=term { left - right };
: e=term { e };
term : left=term MUL right=factor { left * right };
: left=term DIV right=factor { left / right };
: e=factor { e };
factor : left=item POW right=factor { left ** right };
: e=item { e };
item : n=INT { int(n.value) };
: LPAREN e=expr RPAREN { e };
Then you can run the following to generate the parser: (you might have to use python3
instead of python
parsergen calc.gram -o calc_parser.py
We will follow along with the example in examples/calc.py
for how to use the generated parser.
You muse first declare the Lexer which provides the required token types.
Then you have to provide the parser a TokenStream
of your tokenized/lexed input:
from calc_parser import CalcParser
from parsergen import Lexer, Token, token
from parsergen.parser_utils import TokenStream
class CalcLexer(Lexer):
INT = r"[0-9]+"
ADD = r"\+"
SUB = r"\-"
POW = r"\*\*" # must be first, as is longer than 'MUL' token!
MUL = r"\*"
DIV = r"\/"
LPAREN = r"\("
RPAREN = r"\)"
ignore = " \t"
ignore_comment = r"\#.*"
while True:
expr = input("> ")
lexer_result = CalcLexer().lex_string(expr) # get LexerResult from input
stream = TokenStream(lexer_result) # create token stream
parser = CalcParser(stream)
result = parser.start()
error = parser.error()
if result is None and error is not None:
print(error) # error handling
You can declare config options by doing @identifier = 'value'
- name of the generated class, default'CustomParser'
- class that your generated parser inherits from, defualt'GeneratedParser'
. Set this value to your own class that inherits fromGeneratedParser
to add more advanced functionality.@header
- python lines that are included at the top of the generated parser, default is nothing.