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graph 📈
graph :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software
help wanted
help wanted
Issues identified as good community contribution opportunities
helpers ✋
helpers :raised_hand:
high-performance 🚂
high-performance 🚂
Issues/PRs for the Microsoft.Toolkit.HighPerformance package
hotfix 🌶
hotfix 🌶
improvements ✨
improvements :sparkles:
in progress 🚧
in progress :construction:
In-PR 🚀
In-PR :rocket:
introduce breaking changes 💥
introduce breaking changes :boom:
labs 🧪
labs 🧪
Marks an issue/PR involved with Toolkit Labs
legal review ⚖
legal review ⚖
For issues that have questions around legal matters in attribution and such that are awaiting info.
localization 🌐
localization :globe_with_meridians:
maintenance ⚙️
maintenance :gear:
markdown 📑
markdown 📑
Issues related to Markdown
mvvm-toolkit 🧰
mvvm-toolkit :toolbox:
Issues/PRs for the Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm package
need documentation 📃
need documentation :page_with_curl:
need more info 📌
need more info :pushpin:
need wiki 📚
need wiki :books:
needs attention 👋
needs attention :wave:
needs author feedback 📝
needs author feedback :memo:
needs triage 🔍
needs triage :mag:
Components which are .NET based (non UWP specific)
next preview ✈️
next preview :airplane:
Label for marking what we want to include in the next preview release for developers to try.
no-recent-activity 📉
no-recent-activity :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Open Issues that require attention
not an issue ❌
not an issue :x:
An issue that is beyond the scope of Windows Community Toolkit
notifications 🔔
notifications :bell:
nuget 📦
nuget 📦
open discussion ☎️
open discussion :telephone:
optimization ☄
optimization ☄
Performance or memory usage improvements