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accessibility ♿
accessibility :wheelchair:
animations 🏮
animations :izakaya_lantern:
auto merge ⚡
auto merge :zap:
behaviors ⚙
behaviors ⚙
brush 🖌️
brush :paintbrush:
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
An unexpected issue that highlights incorrect behavior
bugbash 🏗️
bugbash :building_construction:
build 🔥
build :fire:
CI/pipeline 🔬
CI/pipeline 🔬
Completed 🔥
Completed :fire:
connectivity 📶
connectivity :signal_strength:
controls 🎛️
controls :control_knobs:
DataGrid 🔠
DataGrid :capital_abcd:
Issues on DataGrid control
Pull requests that update a dependency file
designer bug 🐛
designer bug :bug:
DO NOT MERGE :warning:
doc-InDraft ⏳
doc-InDraft :hourglass_flowing_sand:
doc-provided ✔️
doc-provided :heavy_check_mark:
documentation 📃
documentation :page_with_curl:
duplicate 👥
duplicate :busts_in_silhouette:
Indicates that identical Issue or PR already exist
extensions ⚡
extensions :zap:
external ⤴️
external :arrow_heading_up:
Requires an update to an external dependency or due to code outside the Toolkit.
feature 💡
feature :bulb:
feature request 📬
feature request :mailbox_with_mail:
A request for new changes to improve functionality
First Time Contributor 👋
First Time Contributor :wave:
for-review 📖
for-review :book:
To evaluate and validate the Issues or PR
functional testing required 📌
functional testing required :pushpin:
gaze 👀
gaze :eyes:
good first issue
good first issue
Issues identified as good for first-time contributors